More on black and white physics 14 Jul 200818 Sep 2017 Language Log has a very nice summary of the reasons why some holes are black, and some are white. Humor Politics Race and politics
Humor Reflections on theology 3 Nov 2009 Readers may not know that I did a couple of years of theology at an Anglican theological college, Ridley College, in Melbourne before I embarked upon my philosophical and historical studies. I was quite good at it, and only my lack of actual, you know, faith interrupted what was a… Read More
Evolution How to track a crisis 19 Mar 2010 The following post is by my friend Matt Silberstein. Matt is deeply concerned about the events occurring in places like Darfur, and brought the following to my attention. I asked him to write a post, and here it is. Hi folks, Matt here sitting in for our silverback. I like… Read More
Evolution Desecration, blasphemy in public, and manners 12 Jul 2008 When does a person’s religious beliefs constrain someone who is not religious? What sorts of redress can a religious person expect in a secular society? These questions arise from the recent to-do about PZ Myers defense of the stealing of a communion wafer from a Catholic church. As a result,… Read More
Spellcorrecting and adding publisher and ISBN to what I said on the linked-to blog: As a student of a student of John Archibald Wheeler, whose death I mourned earlier this year, I could not help but notice this Australian novel of Science Fiction: Striped Holes, by Damien Broderick, NY: Avon, ISBN-13: 9780380753772 ISBN: 0380753774