Stupidity 30 Nov 2009 Stupidity and Ignorance, Be you our buffers ’mid mischance; Endoctrine us to do your will, And other stupid people kill; Fool us with hope of Life to be, Great god to whom we bow the knee, —STUPIDITY. Stupidity, by Robert Services Humor
Humor His satanic majesty 19 Mar 2010 Here is physical evidence that PZ Miiiaaaaeers exists and has devotees even in the Antipodes… Read More
Humor Reflections on theology 3 Nov 2009 Readers may not know that I did a couple of years of theology at an Anglican theological college, Ridley College, in Melbourne before I embarked upon my philosophical and historical studies. I was quite good at it, and only my lack of actual, you know, faith interrupted what was a… Read More