Administrative Does anyone want to pay me for this blog? 22 Mar 2013 I will have received a lot of requests to revive the blog, which is very gratifying, but to be venal about it puts no money in my pocket. So if anyone wants a philosophy of science, especially biology and the social aspects of science, blog for their stable, the way… Read More
Administrative On my other blog 15 Jan 2009 More about Australia’s Great Wall of Clean Feed… Read More
Administrative Honey, I accidentally redesigned the blog! 3 Aug 201122 Jun 2018 Oh well. I was playing with WordPress design templates and I clicked the wrong button. Now I have this rather clean design, but I can’t fix the banner because Illustrator CS2 no longer runs on OS X Lion. When I get a new copy I’ll rework it to suit the… Read More
I believe it was John Lennon who said “If you waste time enojying yourself, you are not wasting time”. Or somthing to that effect.
I believe it was John Lennon who said “If you waste time enojying yourself, you are not wasting time”. Or somthing to that effect.