Gems from Tom Waits 25 Oct 2008 Waits is one of the few people I admire almost without reservation, even including the industrial blues. A comment quoted on a passing web site was “We are monkeys with money and guns”, leading me via Google to this wonderful interview at NPR a few months back. Read it. I have cited his version of Somewhere as the best of all time, in a philosophy article. Humor Social dominance
History The meaning of Christmas 22 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 Tony Piro creatively borrows from Peanuts. Click on the picture to see the full comic. Tony has Linus give a fairly standard view, that Christmas is based on prior religious traditions. He carefully avoids making Linus repeat the “Christmas is the birthdate of [insert deity or religious figure]” view, which… Read More
Evolution The evolution of morality 21 Jun 2008 A conference is being held in Sydney soon about whether God is necessary for morality. I find that an almost incomprehensible question. Of course humans are moral without gods to back up their moral systems. They can’t help it. It’s what humans do. We are social apes that follow rules…. Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design God acts in mischieveous ways 21 Apr 2010 Hot on the heels of Rush Blowhard declaring that the Iceland volcano is God’s apocalyptic response to the healthcare bill (God, it seems, is Maxwell Smart, missing the target by this much, and hitting Europe instead of the US) comes an Iranian cleric who declares that the cause of earthquakes… Read More
Tom Waits said: We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge… JW imparts knowledge and not information and the fact that he’s a Tom Waits fanatic probably explains why I like him so much!
what you hide is not always about the truth the things you give away do not alway’s have meaning what you love is not always there to stay what you say is not always confedential but the question you sewed will alway’s leave remarks whatever the question is i’m a singer go to click videos underneath picture there’s a song life
what you hide is not always about the truth the things you give away do not alway’s have meaning what you love is not always there to stay what you say is not always confedential but the question you sewed will alway’s leave remarks whatever the question is i’m a singer go to click videos underneath picture there’s a song life