I told you so 24 Oct 2008 I told you so 1: High cost of internet filtering and controls stricter than Iran’s, oh and critics bullied. I told you so 2: Terrorism laws unsafe, court rejects charge of breaking laws that did not exist when the “crime” was done Censorship Internet filtering Politics Race and politics Technology
History Greewald on Bush on Evil 20 Jun 2007 A very thoughtful and interesting, dare I say almost philosophical, discussion of the Manichaean nature of the Bush Administration is in the present Salon here. A quote: The power to order people detained and imprisoned based solely on accusation is one of the most extraordinary and tyrannical powers any political… Read More
Politics On nonscience smear campaigns 23 Jan 2010 In Scientific American: … the only strong evidence we have that Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe isn’t a clown is that his car isn’t small enough. Read More
Censorship Network censorship by Apple 27 Apr 2010 Everyone who knows me knows I am a Steve Jobs fanboi. I’ve been using Macs since January 1985, and yes, I have an iPhone and I will buy an iPad once I have the cash and they get to a few point upgrades (always a good idea with Apple). I… Read More
Maybe, just maybe, this will start the process of dismantling the terrorism laws, but I’m not holding my breath.
This is why so many Americans want to keep the right to have weapons – at the end of the day, people have no means to protect themselves againt the government. I mean, the police and the army obey the government, not the population. So what is a people to do if its government unduly deprives it of its fundamental rights? In my opinion, there’s no better protection than for the government to know that it is surrounded by millions of armed citizens. For the government, aggressing the people would be like killing a cop in a police station. In theory anyway… That reasoning may sound a little naive, but keep in mind that at the end of the day, we do rely on force (the police, the army) to protect ourselves against other citizens or against people from other countries, so relying on force to protect ourselves against a government is only a continuation of that reasoning.