Censorship Feet of clay problem 23 Nov 202223 Nov 2022 What to do with historical bastardry in our heroes? This is republished from my substack. Henceforth such posts – the equivalent of a magazine article or an essay – will appear first on the substack and then on the blog evolvingthoughts.au. After a distance of time, they will end up… Continue Reading
Censorship Goodbye freedom 10 Sep 201113 Sep 2011 Ten years ago tomorrow tonight I was watching an episode of West Wing, and, as I do, channel surfing during the ads. One channel showed a fire in the World Trade Centre, which less than a month earlier I had stood at the base of looking up like the Australian… Continue Reading
Academe Did Synthese bow to Intelligent Design pressure? 14 Apr 20114 Oct 2017 A while back I published a paper in a special edition of Synthese on “Evolution and its rivals”. My paper was titled “Are Creationists Rational?” in which I argued that yes, in a bounded sense they are. I was very pleased to be invited to publish in this front rank… Continue Reading
Censorship Statism and Wikileaks 20 Dec 2010 So, I have not said much about Wikileaks because it is as discussed a topic as can be, but I’m feeling curmudgeonly, so here goes. Regular programming will resume after this rant. Dogs gotta howl, cats gotta kill small things, and states gotta act like secretive bastards. And woe betide… Continue Reading
Censorship Do not pity progessives 17 Sep 2010 From an article at Truthdig entitled “Do not pity the Democrats” by Chris Hedges, this opening paragraph: There are no longer any major institutions in American society, including the press, the educational system, the financial sector, labor unions, the arts, religious institutions and our dysfunctional political parties, which can be… Continue Reading
Australian stuff EFA Summarises Australian Party policies on censorship 10 Aug 2010 Here: Continue Reading
Administrative Australian internet filter dead in water 6 Aug 2010 Forners may not be aware of an extremely boring federal election in Australia right now. Indeed, few Australians seem aware of this. This is as it should be. Elections that are Interesting usually turn out to be Dangerous. But there is one good that has come out of this. The… Continue Reading
Censorship The first casualty 26 Jul 2010 The increasing intention of western and non-western governments to censor the internet is usually put in terms of “child protection”, although it is very unlikely to be affected by censorship, merely by using uncensorable techniques like Torrents. But one has to wonder if the real reason is more to do… Continue Reading
Australian stuff On recent developments, and a prospective 25 Jun 2010 So, we have a woman PM. I’m not particularly impressed by that – we should have had equal representation in the Parliament thirty years ago and it’s no great achievement to get a female executive now. We beat the US. Hoobloodyray. But that she is unashamedly unmarried, and took the… Continue Reading
Australian stuff Australian business 24 Jun 2010 So Kevin Rudd has been ousted as PM and Julia Gillard replaces him to become Australia’s first female prime minister. What this means only time will tell, and usually I don’t like factional politics; they are fundamentally undemocratic. But this time it may have headed off a crisis. It remains… Continue Reading