Orb spiders 26 Oct 200818 Sep 2017 I love golden orb spiders – they are among the prettiest spiders you will find in Queensland, and the largest [click on the pic for information]. You’ll come across them in the oddest places, too. I once nearly stepped on one on a footpath (sidewalk to non-English speakers) in the business center of Brisbane. I shepherded it to safety, of course. Now their reputation has taken a hit: just because someone photographed one eating a mid sized bird that got caught in its web. Sure, they can get bigger than your hand, but they aren’t aggressive, and their trick is to spin a really strong web. I know a guy who swears he got knocked off his motorcycle when dirt riding near Alice Springs by an orb web. If a bird gets caught in one of those, it would be a silly spider that didn’t wait for it to get exhausted and wrap it up for dinner. But if you meet one, or hit its web, do not worry. It’s not one of the million nasties that will kill you if you dare to visit Australia. Even we Australians will kill you. Don’t visit. Really. It’s ours I tell you… General Science Humor
Evolution Sarkar slams Stein, while Kimbo kicks arse… 20 Apr 2008 Biologist and philosopher Sahotra Sarkar is combative, to say the least. When he says what he means, it can hurt physically if you are the target. I almost feel sympathy for Ben Stein… And knowing one of the principals in this comment, I had to laugh. When Kimbo says he… Read More
Evolution The World according to Genesis: Stuff that grows 1 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 We’re in the third day, and Elohim has made dry land, but no sun or stars or moon. Still, he’s keen to see something growing, so he tells the land to produce, by spontaneous generation as it was later known, “seed bearing plants and plants bearing fruit with their proper… Read More
Humor Right there in black and white 10 Jul 2008 If a black hole is where common sense is lost, is a white hole where we spew out absurdities? To say so seems like blackmail, which only yellow dogs employ, with a niggardly vocabulary. It’s a red flag, I tell you! I’m completely browned off. Don’t let the MSM whitewash… Read More
As a biology major, I try to suppress my distaste for certain living creatures. I was on the verge of actually liking spiders, but then I saw this, and all that progress was erased.
As a biology major, I try to suppress my distaste for certain living creatures. I was on the verge of actually liking spiders, but then I saw this, and all that progress was erased.
That is gorgeous. Here in Korea, we have some large yellow spiders which are kind of shaped like that. The largest ones I’ve seen have been about as long as the width of my palm. I don’t know what kind of spider they are, unfortunately.
That is gorgeous. Here in Korea, we have some large yellow spiders which are kind of shaped like that. The largest ones I’ve seen have been about as long as the width of my palm. I don’t know what kind of spider they are, unfortunately.
Yeah, those are some beautiful spiders – and it’s been known for decades that they occasionally eat birds. Sad they’re getting a bad rep through incompetent reporters.
Yeah, those are some beautiful spiders – and it’s been known for decades that they occasionally eat birds. Sad they’re getting a bad rep through incompetent reporters.
I know this is totally irrelevant, but does the spider pictured here have only seven legs or what? And hopefully that will slow the bugger down enough so as to NOT escape the confines of Oz, right??… this all said from the safe distance of Michigan!
Awwww. I used to have to walk through the park over in New Farm to get to uni, and these things love to build their webs at about face height and camp out right in the middle of them. I think they get some kind of perverse spider joy from perhaps landing in your face. I’m ok with spiders and even interested in them as long as they are not in my hair (literally). So look out!
Awwww. I used to have to walk through the park over in New Farm to get to uni, and these things love to build their webs at about face height and camp out right in the middle of them. I think they get some kind of perverse spider joy from perhaps landing in your face. I’m ok with spiders and even interested in them as long as they are not in my hair (literally). So look out!
Awwww. I used to have to walk through the park over in New Farm to get to uni, and these things love to build their webs at about face height and camp out right in the middle of them. I think they get some kind of perverse spider joy from perhaps landing in your face. I’m ok with spiders and even interested in them as long as they are not in my hair (literally). So look out!
Awwww. I used to have to walk through the park over in New Farm to get to uni, and these things love to build their webs at about face height and camp out right in the middle of them. I think they get some kind of perverse spider joy from perhaps landing in your face. I’m ok with spiders and even interested in them as long as they are not in my hair (literally). So look out!
I’ve read somewhere stories of native peoples north of Australia (can’t recall exactly who) used the webs somehow as simple light weight nets…
i think?? i have seen one of these spiders in rio de janeiro…at the side of the sugar loaf mountain theres a place called praia vermelha…here there is a place you can walk up the side of a hill…i regularly cycle to the praia and walk up the hill…2 weeks ago i went early and at about 6:30am i saw this spider in a web…and then after a moment taking lots of photos because it was the first interesting spider i had saw here in nearly 3 years…i saw another…slightly larger…and after taking yet more photos i walked back to the praia…and saw a few more but smaller than the original one…im sure its a type of orbweb because of the body shape…it looks like these ones…and the web was so strong when i used a stick to remove a thread of web just to get close enough to take a photo…i stillhave the photos in my camera and will next time i go out there take more photos if i see the spiders again…putting the camera about 10cms away from the underside of this spider made me a little uneasy…but afterwards i was ecstatic…what a find if it was an orbwebspecies…i can send photos to anyone who is interested…
i think?? i have seen one of these spiders in rio de janeiro…at the side of the sugar loaf mountain theres a place called praia vermelha…here there is a place you can walk up the side of a hill…i regularly cycle to the praia and walk up the hill…2 weeks ago i went early and at about 6:30am i saw this spider in a web…and then after a moment taking lots of photos because it was the first interesting spider i had saw here in nearly 3 years…i saw another…slightly larger…and after taking yet more photos i walked back to the praia…and saw a few more but smaller than the original one…im sure its a type of orbweb because of the body shape…it looks like these ones…and the web was so strong when i used a stick to remove a thread of web just to get close enough to take a photo…i stillhave the photos in my camera and will next time i go out there take more photos if i see the spiders again…putting the camera about 10cms away from the underside of this spider made me a little uneasy…but afterwards i was ecstatic…what a find if it was an orbwebspecies…i can send photos to anyone who is interested…