We’re back! 2 Feb 20152 Feb 2015 Thanks to the generosity of three donors – Neil, James and Ben – I have enough to pay the rent on this place. Now I have to do some writing. Problem is I’m time poor, so I thought I’d write up some of my lecture notes as posts. Expect some stuff on the idea of nature, and maybe some other lectures. I am also thinking of a series on sexual ethics and relationships. It may be rather different to the previous posts. Let me know what you think. Again, thanks to the donors. They are all friends, and their and others’ kind words encourage me greatly. Administrative
Administrative Massive Scienceblogs exodus 8 Jul 2010 I’m going to have to update the “Recovering Sciencebloggers” list at the bottom of the RHS panel; around a dozen bloggers have said they either will stop blogging, or leave Scienceblogs. When I get the time I’ll link to their new blogs. But I have to say that the reasons… Read More
Administrative Don’t use my uni email [do] 27 Jan 202319 Apr 2023 Although I am an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne, now that I am no longer employed, the IT department begs to differ, so I have lost my uni email access for a while. Later: IT and the uni have permitted me to be listed as an honorary fellow… Read More
Administrative I’m [nearly] one year old 10 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 Everyone else is noting the pulse of migration to the SEED stable that occurred here a year ago. Oddly, my ecto links tell me I first posted here on the 25th of June, not the 9th, but who cares. Below the fold is my first post at Science Blogs. How’m… Read More
Glad to see you’re still here. I’m looking forward to your posts, and I think the idea of the series on sexual ethics and relationships is an interesting one.
John, Great news that your wealth of knowledge re EVOLVING THOUGHTS remains online. I also look forward to seeing your philosophical views of sexual ethics. I’ve been doing that myself. For example, one of my latest opinion pieces is “Shades of Sexual Ethics and Amnesia” (http://www.opednews.com/articles/Shades-of-Sexual-Ethics-an-by-James-Goetz-Bible_Christian-Religion_Christian-Sexual-Taboos_Christian-Values-150113-130.html). May EVOLVING THOUGHTS live long and prosper…. Jim
For the record, I could be persuaded to make a modest donation sometime, if you were to let slip the relevant bank account details. A once-only sum of fifty dollars would be no problem. My blog costs $20/year (as the only upgrade I have is the one that lets me upload audio files), but I also have a website at $60/year and a Box account at $100/year. A series on sexual ethics sounds good. I’d be more likely to contribute to that conversation than some complicated nature stuff, and on your blog I feel confident that the comment thread would be reasonable in quality and not overwhelming in quantity. Your take will be thoughtful, sensible and … ethical … and if there’s anything we disagree on, that could be interesting too.
John, I can’t view your blog using Google Chrome (downloaded FireFox to make this commnet), it’s been like this ever since the new design. As soon as I attempt to scroll down, all content vanishes. Scroll back up and it reappears; down and it away it goes again. I can only read a couple of paragraphs and have to give up. Could any other Chrome users let me know if this is a problem unique to me?
I have a Chrome problem that makes about half the page white except when I highlight everything. That is from my work computer when I am on break, so I cannot spend much time looking into it. Deleting cache did not help.
I’m using Chrome (Version 47.0.2526.106 m) and everything seems to be okay. I don’t remember coming to this blog before so I can’t be certain that everything is working but I am able to read the articles and comments.