Evolving Thoughts may close soon 31 Jan 2015 I know I have been remiss in not updating ET for a while. I am working in a very hard boring (lowly paid) job and my mind is not roaming as far as it used to right now. However, the fees for the domain and hosting are due, and I cannot make them, so it may cease to be anyway. If you find it no longer there, that will be why. My apologies. Administrative
Administrative The “who” thread 8 Jul 2010 I am, as they say in The Home Country, gobsmacked. I expected that I would have a few geeks (I’m a Geek! Say it Loud!) who read me because I was sort of interesting. Instead I find Phuds, scientists, philosophers and just plain interesting people. If one is judged by… Read More
Administrative The begging bowl 2 Jun 200922 Jun 2018 A few eagle eyed readers will note that I have added a “Donate” button in the sidebar, and not content with that shameless plug for grift, a “Donate” page as well in the tabs. When I was at Seed’s Scienceblogs, I was on easy street. They paid for all the… Read More
Administrative Schadenfreude, the taste of the real thing generation 7 Jul 2010 OK, I shouldn’t be enjoying this. Scienceblogs, my former mothership, has accepted an as-yet unknown quantity of a nutrition blog funded and run by… PepsiCo. Now, I don’t drink carbonated sugar drinks much, and when I do they aren’t multinational corporation products, but that has less to do with the… Read More