Wilkins hides in fear 1 Dec 20111 Dec 2011 I haven’t been engaging much recently. There is an Official Story and a Privileged Narrative. The Official Story is that I have submitted, revised or refined several recent papers for publication, met with a coauthor in Canberra (eight hours due north) for a paper, a talk of which I am giving next week, gone to a philosophy of biology workshop a further two hours due north, driven back (ten hours), and in the midst of that got the bug for another paper after drinking and arguing with Maureen O’Malley and Brett Calcott. Also, I only have 3G internet access… The Privileged Narrative is that I am hiding, quaking in fear and inadequacy at recent criticisms by Larry and my wonderful commenters. Both stories are, of course, entirely true. I have a wedding to go to this weekend. I shall try to respond after my talk, to biologists not philosophers (they’re harder to convince that philosophy matters), next week. Unless I get drunk and have to argue with somebody. Administrative
Administrative Second book cover 9 Jul 200922 Jun 2018 From Peter Lang publishers, due this year (soon, I hope!). Order yours now! Read More
Administrative The year in review 21 Dec 200718 Sep 2017 Philosophy isn’t one of those things that makes great breakthroughs that are recognised at the time. Generally something is thought of as a significant development much later, after it becomes obvious that people are engaging with it, like the Chinese Room of John Searle. So instead I will simply list… Read More
Administrative Test post 8 Apr 2010 Nothing to see here. Move along. I’m testing some new features. Do not play Mornington Crescent in the comments. Read More
You’re such a coward fleeing into the arms of benevolent peer reviewers instead of facing the full onslaught of criticism on your blog. But, irony aside, I’m getting put off with this deliberate shooting past each other, you here, Larry over at sandwalk. Why don’t you meet at neutral ground, say Sunday at noon, and directly duel each other with small bullets of argument, no other bloggers interfering?
When going to Canberra or other far place if a train also goes, is it cheaper to drive or take the train? Traveling by train in Australia is near the top of my list of Things to Do Before I Die. Have a great time at the wedding. Weddings are fun. Almost everyone is happy and there is good stuff to eat.
Driving is expensive, but so are trains and buses. It’s actually cheaper to fly longer distances. But I’m told there are several great train journeys – including the ‘Ghan, which runs across the Nullabor Plain. The wedding was great. I was very proud of my nephew.
*sigh* I see both you and Larry have been ignoring the real problem, of whether you would accept the apology the other gives for not buying a gelato.