Turing gets apology 11 Sep 2009 Gordon Brown, on behalf of the UK government, apologised to Turing and all the other LGBT victims of repressive sexual laws in the past. The end of the world will come soon. All it took was one petition (and of course this blog). [HT Pharyngula] Politics
General Science Spin versus framing: the tragedy of PR 31 Aug 200818 Sep 2017 For my sins, I was once a public relations guy, for an educational institution, and I held positions roughly in that domain (e.g., as public communications manager for a medical research institute, although I managed the means not the message) for the bulk of my professional life until I finally… Read More
Politics Vedantic creationism 28 Dec 2007 Just to demonstrate that it is not only the Christians who have their religious fundamentalists opposing science, here’s a piece that claims that the Vedas are the source of all true scientific knowledge. OK, guys, inventing zero was cool, but what have the Vedas done for us lately (apart from… Read More
Evolution Christianity Today = Inanity Today? 29 Aug 2007 Oh honestly. Christianity Today reports the travel of the Australopithecine fossil “Lucy” to the US with the closing paragraph: It should be interesting to see what the interest in Lucy is, given that according to opinion polls roughly half of the American public has expressed serious reservations about the theory… Read More