A new argument for scientific realism 11 Sep 2009 Argumentum ab pop… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty33v7UYYbw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1] Humor Pop culture
Evolution Myth 7: Darwin thought that Australian aborigines were closer to apes than to Europeans 1 Mar 200925 Oct 2019 Actually, this one is better called “Darwin was a racist”, but as the text concerned is from the same source as those claims, I thought it might be easier to evaluate a single claim and generalise from that. Our gospel for today is chapters V and VI of The Descent… Read More
Administrative The "who" thread 8 Jul 2010 I am, as they say in The Home Country, gobsmacked. I expected that I would have a few geeks (I’m a Geek! Say it Loud!) who read me because I was sort of interesting. Instead I find Phuds, scientists, philosophers and just plain interesting people. If one is judged by… Read More
Humor On tattoos in Latin 29 Jan 2010 This is why I haven’t yet acted on my desire to have Linnaeus’ definition of Homo tattooed on my chest (that, and you’d never see the thing under all that fur)… “Quia ursus pusilli ingenii sum verba difficilia fastidio” Read More
I have no problem at all with “science is real”. But when I am in the midst of a very good (or very bad) dream, all the observation and science sure seems real there too. Will I wake up yet again? What is “real”? Just one of those pesky observer effects, I’m sure. Could be that your life is just a poorly written Philip K. Dick novel.