Too big for my boots 13 Feb 2011 I can no longer use the online WordPress export function to back my blog up – I have to ask WordPress to do it. This is because the size of the blog and comments and graphics, etc. has exceeded their latency time and so it times out. Oh dear… it looks like I am going to have to move to a hosted install. This may cost me money. Being as I am presently unemployed, I may ask you guys to contribute when I know the costs. However, that won’t change the URL or feed I hope. Administrative Administrative
Administrative Off in the wilds of… Melbourne 3 Jul 2008 Hi folks. It’s conference time again, and of course we have organised to have the Australasian Association of Philosophy/Australasian Association for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (AAP/AAHPSSS) conferences in the coldest place on the mainland – my home town Melbourne, at the depths of winter. At least… Read More
Administrative News from Ediacara 27 Oct 2008 The Ediacaran period is the era between around 635Mybp and 540Mybp, just before the Cambrian. You pronounce it “ed-ee-ack-a-ran”. It is also the name of a new blog by the inimitable Chris Nedin, erstwhile paleontologist who specialised in the Ediacaran fauna before joining the Dark Side (federal public service) in… Read More
Academe Herding cats, ethically 20 Jul 2010 There is a famous ad on Youtube in which cat wranglers herd cats to a final destination (for slaughtering? really?) as a metaphor for providing IT services. What is underpinning that humor is that domestic cats are not, typically, herd animals. They do not get along in large groups, although… Read More
Hiya, I find your blog a damned important voice. If necessary, contact me, and I will arrange all hosting of your blog and your URL, with at more space for you than you’ll ever use, at no cost to yourself; I will bear all costs (I already host two boards). Cheers, keep the flag flying.