Epistemology Information is the new Aristotelianism (and Dawkins is a hylomorphist) 27 Apr 201428 Apr 2014 In seeking tales and informations [Henry VIII, Act V, scene 3] For some time now* I have had problems with the notion of information. Not, please note, with this or that piece of information, but with the notion itself, especially in the natural sciences. In this age of computers and internets,… Read More
Biology More on David Hull 4 Dec 20104 Oct 2017 There’s a special issue of Biology and Philosophy in the wings on the late David Hull. So far, the editorial introduction by Kim Sterelny and a fair summary of his work by Peter Godfrey-Smith have appeared Online First. Springer appear to be making these open access. Update: Michael Ruse’s memoir… Read More
Some like to blame scientists for the demise of faith in our world. Some even suggest that most scientists are “amoral hedonists that use their belief system as a way to justify their “lifestyle” and encourage others to join them”. This criticism is unfortunate! Most scientists are disciplined, rational thinkers that live lives that are no more amoral than most Christians. Their dedication and devotion to their careers have been instrumental in bringing us advancements in health care, communication, transportation, food production, and all the modern conveniences of life that we all take for granted.