Epistemology 3QD Philosophy prize 4 Sep 2010 The 3QuarksDaily website is running its second Prize in Philosophy which has a convenient wrap up of some good philosophy posts. Most of them, though, are your usual deep ethics, metaphysics and epistemology, which is too deep for the likes of me. Still, you may find them worth reading and… Read More
Metaphysics Zombies of qualia and intentionality 16 Sep 201116 Sep 2011 Peter at Conscious Entities has a nice discussion of the above distinction I hadn’t thought of before (h/t Brandon): p-zombies that lack qualia and those that lack intentionality, and whether we think the latter is why there are no former. We know we have intentionality, so we think that to… Read More
History Plato on the origin of the gods 15 Nov 2009 As for the other spiritual beings [daimones], it is beyond our task to know and speak of how they came to be. We should accept on faith the assertions of those figures of the past who claimed to be the offspring of gods. They must surely have been well informed… Read More
Some like to blame scientists for the demise of faith in our world. Some even suggest that most scientists are “amoral hedonists that use their belief system as a way to justify their “lifestyle” and encourage others to join them”. This criticism is unfortunate! Most scientists are disciplined, rational thinkers that live lives that are no more amoral than most Christians. Their dedication and devotion to their careers have been instrumental in bringing us advancements in health care, communication, transportation, food production, and all the modern conveniences of life that we all take for granted.