Hume’s Dialogues: A coloured edition 18 Mar 201212 Feb 2019 Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is one of the very best philosophical works ever written, as I was reminded this morning while seeking a passage. But it is not easily available in a decent format online. Sure, you can download a facsimile of the second edition (1779) from Archive.Org, and I did, and there’s also a HTML version at Gutenberg, but as I started to compare the two, I noticed that the online text doesn’t match the original all that well – formatting is missing and cases and paragraphing has been changed. So I spent today formatting the HTML version and editing it to make it consistent with the formatting of the original, and for good measure I colourised the text based on who was speaking, for clarity. And here it is for you all, free, gratis and without charge. I left in the Gutenberg license, but since this is out of copyright, you may use it how you like. Hume Dialogues: Version 1.01, now with references to unreferenced poems and texts, and Latin translations. History Logic and philosophy Metaphysics Philosophy Religion
Epistemology Evolution quotes 15 Apr 2010 Creatures inveterately wrong in their inductions have a pathetic, but praiseworthy, tendency to die before reproducing their kind. [W. V. O. Quine, Ontological Relativity and Other Essays 1969: 70] Read More
Epistemology Species, phenomena and data 2 Jun 20112 Jun 2011 Just lately I have been trying to support my belief that species are not units of biological theory, but phenomena that call for explanation. Several things have followed from this: Species turn out on this view not to be causal entities, but rather epiphenomena of causal processes at the individual… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Apes and evolution in the news 19 Jun 20094 Oct 2017 So there are a couple of interesting developments about fossil apes. One is the retraction by the author of the claim 14 years ago to have found a jaw bone that was evidence of Homo habilis, a precursor species (arguably) of H erectus, in a recent Nature. Previously he and… Read More
You might want to look at Jonathan Bennett’s “translation” here: