Second book cover 9 Jul 200922 Jun 2018 From Peter Lang publishers, due this year (soon, I hope!). Order yours now! Administrative Book History Philosophy Species concept
Evolution Darwin [quotes] wrong 12 Feb 2009 This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, but it turns out that a number of widely quoted sayings of Darwin are, in fact, invented. I would not be surprised to find out they are taken from reviews and other authors’ summaries of Darwin. Read More
Evolution Going backwards, or, devolution? 29 Sep 2009 Carl Zimmer has another one of his excellent summary articles, this time about the problems encountered by a research group that tried to make a protein that had evolved into one form, evolve back to the starting point. This is being touted as a molecular version of “Dollo’s Law” (which is… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Community, unbelief, and the rise of secularism 21 Apr 201221 Jun 2018 One of the things that losing full use of a limb causes, is that everything takes four times as long as it used to. So I haven’t blogged due to my being very busy, tired, or both. Sorry. I promised to reflect out loud on the Global Atheist Conspiracy Convention,… Read More
Not so far as I have heard. Why don’t you contact them and ask (it will make more sense than if I do it).
From a purely aesthetic perspective, the cover looks rather barren. I would suggest that a well-placed photograph of the Starship Enterprise would improve it no end.
I will be buying it, oh yes I will. And there will be reading, you can’t stop me! Ha ha ha haaaa! Oh wait…is this really appropriate event for moustache twirling and evil laughter? When’s the other book out? Louis
Oh and one further thing, Wilkins, what the hell is that little smiley face gif towards the top right of the page, about 3 or 4 cm (at my screen resolution) to the right of the word “donate” actually for? Is it some subtle mind manipulation, trying to make me happier, well I’m not falling for it, see. Underhanded subliminal happiness is wicked. What next? Subliminal messages in your posts? Oh the huge manatee! Louis
Actually I ordered a copy just after donating a smallish amount to this blog. The site said the book would be available in fall, and I imagined it would just show up in the mail sometime late 2009. Imagine my surprise when a month later I received mail from the bookseller (some university thingading, I forget), with a copy of the book! – nah not the book, but a receipt informing me that the book was not in stock an could not be delivered! I actually haven’t checked yet if my order is still active.