Test post 8 Apr 2010 Nothing to see here. Move along. I’m testing some new features. Do not play Mornington Crescent in the comments. Administrative Philosophy Administrative
Administrative Mutant genres 21 Oct 2007 This is a meme started by PZ Mackers. I will exact retribution upon him later. In the meantime, I have been tagged Read More
Evolution Ruse on Hull: a memoir 13 Aug 2010 The following memoir of David Hull is from Michael Ruse, who has graciously given permission to post it on this blog: DAVID HULL (1935–2010) I first met David Hull in the fall of 1968, at the first meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, being held in Pittsburgh. He was… Read More
Biology Are humans just animals? 2 Jul 20133 Jul 2013 Yesterday I heard on the radio a discussion by neuroscientist turned philosopher Raymond Tallis, who was arguing that humans are not just animals, and that consciousness is not just what happens in the brain. He went on at length about “Darwinitis”, a disease of intellectuals who wish to explain everything… Read More
Whitechapel? WHITECHAPEL?? From Marble Arch? In my day a move like that would have caused unrest. Since we’re clearly not at home to a well controlled elevator: Redbridge. Louis
Oh, very well since we are playing with the limited,and some would say criminal, Australian Pub rules: Totenham Hale
You fools! Don’t you see, Wilkins is trying to get you to play Mornington Crescent in order to divert you from his evil plan to take over the intertubes!
Of course! It’s like Captain Kirk causing a rogue computer to seize by getting it to compute the value of pi. A runaway Mornington Crescent would draw in ever more resources until anything inside the event horizon at Chesham would be sucked irresistibly down a Blackfriars hole.
Nah, if he was really doing that he’d insist on the Whitehead & Russell 1927 rules with the Epimenides variation.
The first rule about Mornington Crescent is that you don’t talk about…….Oh that’s something else, is it?