My life as a book 8 Oct 2010 Here’s a page [H/T @BoraZ] that suggests we do personal development and therapy by imagining our lives as books. Oh, yeah, I can see it now: Chapter 1: In which I learned geek stuff Chapter 2: In which I used geek stuff to get money, and raised little geeks Chapter 3: In which I started to put geek stuff online Chapter 4: In which I blogged geek stuff Chapter 5: In which I twittered geek stuff, thereby indicating that I had long passed my peak Chapter 6: In which others post geek stuff in my memory Humor
Humor Me in Spanish 5 Jun 2010 I just love seeing my ideas in another language, not because I speak or read them (I am Australian. We don’t even speak English well. We’re submonoglots), but because it always looks so much more intelligent in French or, as in this case, Spanish. Eduardo Robredo Zugasti has noticed my… Read More
History Darwinism now affects intelligent design film! 13 Apr 200818 Sep 2017 Following on from my demonstration that Darwinism is entirely responsible for anti-Semiticism back on 1 April, comes this discussion of how Darwinism has even infected the morals of anti-Darwinians, via John Lynch; in this case Maciej Giertych, one of the pro-ID “scientists” interviewed by the film Expelled, and a notable… Read More
Humor On seeing Storm 17 Oct 2010 I do not often envy my good friend PZ NamebeginningwithM. Sure, he has the associate professorship, the Trophy Wife™, the millions of readers and most of all the Minions. But I am above all that. I am humble, and devoid of unwarranted certainties. And money. I can even forgive him… Read More