Guards! Guards! trailer 8 Sep 2009 Will someone get Terry to employ this guy gal (but make sure there’s a proper foley and sound editor)? [youtube=] Humor Pop culture
Humor What do colourless green ideas do? They sleep, furiously 27 Nov 2007 This little piece by netfriend Richard Harter, who apparently predates coal, serves to demonstrate that philosophers really aren’t clever enough at thinking up counterexamples… Read More
Freedom Phobosophy 14 Aug 201714 Aug 2017 As everyone knows, philosophy comes from the two Greek words philo and sophos, and means, roughly, the love of wisdom, although as everyone also knows, Socrates declared his wisdom was his knowledge that he knew nothing. In recent years (by which I mean increasingly since the 1970s), there has been… Read More
Administrative The "who" thread 8 Jul 2010 I am, as they say in The Home Country, gobsmacked. I expected that I would have a few geeks (I’m a Geek! Say it Loud!) who read me because I was sort of interesting. Instead I find Phuds, scientists, philosophers and just plain interesting people. If one is judged by… Read More
Thanks for the reminder of Guards! Guards! but I found this rather offputting. Maybe it is my computer, but the volume oscillated between very loud and very soft, so I had to adjust the control all the time. Belated thanks for putting me onto the Pratchett series, by the way John – I have read 15 of them so far.
Well, that really, really sucked. Awful animation; strange, almost incomprehensible, accents; and terrible sound production. It’s time to re-read some Pratchett just to make me forget that rubbish. — Martin