In practice, theory and practice are… defunded 9 Oct 201024 Nov 2022 How come Bill Benzon gets his own comic? Academe Education
Education Interdisciplinarity never works 18 Jun 2010 Wait until the psych students convince the physics students that they are just hallucinating their pendulums. The the philosophy students will show them all that it’s just a matter of an error in language and they can all go about getting on with their oof!… where did that come from? Read More
Education Dicks, niceness and evil: a rant 29 Aug 2010 The ongoing blogbattle over whether to be nice or a dick skeptic continues. Phil Plait gave a speech suggesting that niceness works better. There was blowback, of course, which he discusses here and here. The Great Tone Debate seems to resolve down to those who think that minds are changed… Read More
Education What is the “humanities”? 11 May 2009 It is often the case that when non-academics, or even non-humanities academics, talk about my generic field, they refer to it as “arts”, and mean by this the creative arts, like performing arts, crafts, and corporate accounting. So they justify the funding for the “arts” (or “the yartz”, as a… Read More
‘Cause I know the cartoonist, that’s why. But if you look around at the Mimi & Eunice site I’m sure you’ll find stuff that ring’s your bell.