Liveblogging the conference: Jay Odenbaugh 14 Mar 2008 Jay is an ecological philosopher. He wants to sketch how ecologists have used boundaries, and outline both a skepticism and an interactive approach. He’s not talking about types of ecosystems but tokens; not biomes, for example. Second, some ecosystems are sociopolitical objects (Greater Yellowstone). In 1935, A. G. Tansley distinguished ecosystems – the abiotic and biotic resources – and rejected communities – set of interacting species. Ecosystem ecology focused on the flow of nutrients and energy through organisms and their environments. Organisms are transducers of energy and nutrients. Gross primary production (autotrophy?), minus respiration, consumption of autotrophs. Cycling of materials … Ecosystem is a spatially explicit unit of the Earth along with all its components. But this presupposes boundaries. How would you figure it out? Dale Jamieson says that talking about ecosystems is like talking about constellations – the world doesn’t respond to terms. The (n + 1)th problem – suppose a token ecosystem. Why not extend it n + 1? Could be arbitrary, but there’s another way. Interactive boundaries: sorted by causal relationships. E.g., “feeds on”. Boundary set by such a relation will exclude any species not fed upon. There is an ecosystem when There is an ecosystemic causal relation between a set of biotic and abiotic objects. Won’t work… Try, when above, but the causal relations differ in their magntudes. Specific case: watersheds. Drainage basin of water and sediments. There are geomorpholic boundaries (ridges) that structure the processes. The nutrients and energetic flows have differential rates inside and outside the boundaries. They are multiscalar – sub watersheds, and sub-sub-… Been used for a long time. Constrains both observation and experimental perturbation. Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution Species and systematics
Evolution What was Darwin’s Origin actually called 29 Jul 201827 Feb 2019 So, I got caught parroting half-remembered factoids, to Down House no less, that the Origin dropped the “On” from the start of the title with the fourth edition. In my defence, I was making use of Darwin Online, the Cambridge University site that collates all of Darwin’s publications and a whole… Read More
Evolution Darwin, Romanes and Bateson on speciation 1 May 2010 The ever-productive Donald Forsdyke, who I quoted in the previous post, has a new paper up on the origins of reproductive isolation, and theories of speciation. Proving that no good idea is ever entirely novel, it turns out some of my ideas in this paper are prefigured here. At least,… Read More
Science The science of systematics 9 May 2009 As the science of order (“taxonomy”), Systematics is a pure science of relations, unconcerned with time, space, or cause. Unconcerned with time: systematics is non-historic and essentially static; it knows only a simple juxtaposition of different conditions of form. Unconcerned with space: geographical factors are not primary criteria in the… Read More