Roundup 3 Jan 2008 Some bloggable items not worth a post on their own: George MacDonald Fraser died. The author of the Flashman series, which I loved. Creating one of the best rogues in literature, Fraser also managed to get the history right. Peter Hare died. Hare was one of the leading moral philosophers of the 20th Century. Bradie and Harms have updated the excellent SEP entry on evolutionary epistemology. Godfrey-Smith and Sterelny have updated their excellent piece on biological information also in SEP. I missed this at the time (October). Evolution History
Ecology and Biodiversity Microbial species: some papers 22 Sep 200718 Sep 2017 One of the things I have previously discussed (see the “Best of ET” tab) is microbial species concepts. Two new papers have come out on this, and it seems to be a hot research topic right now. Read More
Epistemology You and me, baby, ain’t nothing but mammals 7 Apr 2010 The song of the title of this post is a catchy and highly amusing piece that suggests that if we’re just mammals we should have sex. It’s sort of a low brow version of Andrew Marvell’s To his coy mistress. Instead of Time’s wingéd chariot, we should do what mammals… Read More