I’m [nearly] one year old 10 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 Everyone else is noting the pulse of migration to the SEED stable that occurred here a year ago. Oddly, my ecto links tell me I first posted here on the 25th of June, not the 9th, but who cares. Below the fold is my first post at Science Blogs. How’m I doing? Welcome to the new Evolving Thoughts. As you all know, change is inevitbre, inevatible, unavoidable. So when I was asked to join this growing resource, I agreed, so long as the under the counter payments were large enough. To avoid tax problems, they gave me shares in some American company named Enron, which I’m told are worth a lot. I’m an Australian, so I don’t know much about the US, or anything really, apart from Australian spelling. You will learn that this doesn’t stop me from pontificating anyway. This blog, and its precursor, are the passing thoughts, things that I can’t work up to a real paper, that flit through my head as I try to avoid doing any real work. As a philosopher, these are manifold, although I can’t promise you anything as sophisticated as PZ Unspellablename. He knows real stuff. I “know” the rest. My avatar to the left is the albino razorback gorilla Snowflake, who lived at the Barcelona zoo. His facial expressions were almost human, and I particularly like the grumpy one I have chosen here. I’m not really grumpy, though. Reality just fails to live up to my expectations. I look forward to our discussions. I will post some of the longer-lasting posts from the old blog from time to time, so you can work out exactly how wrong I can be. Cheers. PS, I’m still waiting for the Enron shares… Administrative
Administrative Stormy weather 17 Nov 200818 Sep 2017 We had a little storm here yesterday. It left my brother’s flat wet inside and out, destroying their mattresses, and giving my motorcycle a jet blast clean. It’s clean for the first time since I bought it four years ago. I was, not to put too fine a point on… Read More
Administrative Empirical Perspectives 8 May 20128 May 2012 Jim Goetz, frequent commenter here, has started up what looks to be a physics and science blog at Empirical Perspectives. Go visit and make rude comments. Read More
Administrative Travel Diary 7 17 Oct 2009 So yesterday was a full day. I attended a talk by Tony Coady, coincidentally of my alma mater Melbourne, on whether religion is a danger. He argued, well, I thought, that it was no more a danger than any other human activity. However, one of the ways he did that… Read More
Happy SEED day. May you continue to educate, inform & entertain us with your wit and erudition and the other stuff as well.
Happy SEED day. May you continue to educate, inform & entertain us with your wit and erudition and the other stuff as well.
Of course, you’ll have to give a definition of “doing” and propose a metric for determining the categories you specify. Then there is the semiotic content of the term “I” that you intend. We can set aside the issue of the methodology connoted by “how” until the other determinants are clarified …