Draws breath… 10 Jul 2008 Well I have done my talk at the AAP conference, and survived with ego intact (as if there was any doubt). All I need to do now is sleep for eight straight days. Sorry but I don’t have the time free to do a meet up in Melbourne, so back to Mornington Crescent. Administrative
Administrative The hiatus 20 Jun 2012 I have been filling a badly needed gap in the blogosphere lately, for which I apologise. My work situation has been extreme (we had two weeks to organise an international workshop, prepare a textbook draft and do various other things associated with navigating the US military bureaucracy. By the way,… Read More
Administrative The bloggy kindness of strangers 26 Apr 2011 Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. [Blanche DuBois, in Streetcar Named Desire 1951] I am going to do something I very rarely do: boost a commercial product. In the running of this blog I incur a number of recurring costs (NB: see “Donate” button… Read More
Administrative More roundup 15 Sep 2008 Mohan Matthen, a philosopher of biology, has a very nice takedown of Thomas Nagel’s qualified support for teaching creationism on his blog. Hat tip Leiter. Richard Losick has an excellent piece on the problems of using cultured lab strains when studying microbes, at Small Things Considered. A new blog on… Read More
Well I have done my talk at the AAP conference, and survived with ego intact I’m sure that no-one doubted that your ego would remain inviolate. Hopefuly your talk went well and will be available online at some time. Writing of your writing, is your book on sale at amazon yet or direct from the publisher online?
Well I have done my talk at the AAP conference, and survived with ego intact I’m sure that no-one doubted that your ego would remain inviolate. Hopefuly your talk went well and will be available online at some time. Writing of your writing, is your book on sale at amazon yet or direct from the publisher online?
Well I have done my talk at the AAP conference, and survived with ego intact I’m sure that no-one doubted that your ego would remain inviolate. Hopefuly your talk went well and will be available online at some time. Writing of your writing, is your book on sale at amazon yet or direct from the publisher online?
Sorry I missed your talk, I had to fly out to the UK the night before. But it was fun to meet you and chat. I’m sure the talk went extremely well! Will do my best to make it along next time.