Sorry for the repeats 23 Aug 2009 The intarwubs failed me; something to do with a rogue DNS between me and WordPress. So I have deleted the older versions of each post. Administrative
Administrative Wilkins hides in fear 1 Dec 20111 Dec 2011 I haven’t been engaging much recently. There is an Official Story and a Privileged Narrative. The Official Story is that I have submitted, revised or refined several recent papers for publication, met with a coauthor in Canberra (eight hours due north) for a paper, a talk of which I am… Read More
Administrative Lazy Manager Theory 18 Nov 2009 Some people have asked me how I did a PhD, and wrote and taught a subject, while I was also manager of a department of graphic artists, receptionists, and animators, and did the annual report and various other publications. The answer is: Lazy Manager Theory The principle is: if you… Read More
Administrative If they do this, I never need to use a M$ product again 8 Dec 2007 The sole reason that I have any Microsoft products on my machine at all, is compatibility with Endnote. Once upon a time, Endnote was equally capable with a number of word and document processors, but now it only works with Word or by scanning RTF, which is a Bad Format… Read More