Australian stuff Bastardry: On protest and on fascism 17 Mar 201417 Mar 2014 I attended the March in March protest against the current government of Australia yesterday. My legs still hurt. I’m sure that demonstrations were not so arduous thirty years ago. I noticed that this was a privative demonstration. It was not about something so much as against something, and the something it was… Read More
Politics Can Christianity be rescued from the crazies? 17 Sep 2009 Asks Frankie Schaeffer, son of Francis J. Schaeffer, the famous evangelical leader who is in part responsible for this mess, in this excellent piece by Rachel Maddow. Schaeffer starts around 6 minutes, but the entire piece is worth watching. Can’t embed, for some reason. Read More
Politics Christian soldiers 30 May 2009 When George Bush Shrubbery announced the invasion of Iraq, he called it a “crusade”, to the chagrin and horror of Muslims inside the US and out. The White House quickly backed down, but it now looks very like that is exactly how the US military has been pursuing the war…. Read More
What’s depressing is that under the spick and span Rudd government, exactly the same kind of farce can easily recur. They haven’t done a thing to restore the civil rights trampled on by the unlamented Howard.