Australian book of atheism 19 Aug 2010 My essay on secularism is coming out as a chapter in this book. Buy it as a summer solstice gift… Epistemology History Metaphysics Religion History
Censorship Goodbye freedom 10 Sep 201113 Sep 2011 Ten years ago tomorrow tonight I was watching an episode of West Wing, and, as I do, channel surfing during the ads. One channel showed a fire in the World Trade Centre, which less than a month earlier I had stood at the base of looking up like the Australian… Read More
Evolution History of evolution 16 Jul 2008 Ryan Gregory at Genomicron has a couple of interesting posts; One on Natural Selection before Darwin, which discusses prior presentations back to Hutton. I think he’s right that prior to Darwin selection was typically not thought of as a way to form new species. It’s generally not after Darwin either… Read More
Evolution The Essentialism Story 22 Aug 2007 Historian Mary P. Winsor published recently (2006b, in the December 2006 edition, but it just came out) a paper discussing how the Essentialism Story was constructed by Arthur Cain, Ernst Mayr, and David Hull. The Essentialism Story is the claim that before Darwin systematists and biologists in general treated natural… Read More
Australian atheism must be in a sorry state indeed to let a filthy agnostic in. What’s next, a pantheist, or god forbid, a deist?
Australian atheism is more multicultural than American atheism. It’s enough to reject Anglicanism and Catholicism.
Not so much agnostic as allowing for lots of possibilities. Also known as covering all the angles. Hence the name.
I third that question. As John has stated, gnu atheists are new exclusivists*. How did John get into a book, that presumably, has gnu atheist intent and writers? Is the great Ape a double agent, working against the forces of agnosticism? Oh, need more posts John. It’s too hard to while away the day with only B&W, Pharyngula and Metamagician to read? *In fairness, John’s also called them much nicer names, but for my bullshit to fly, I need to ignore those unpleasant facts.
Still traveling with spotty internet access. I have meaty posts in preparation. Normal asseveration resumes next week.
Good work. A new word! Asseveration: the solemn affirmation of a truth statement. Thanks, but then I’ve got you all wrong. I figured you were anything but solemn. I had you bagged as a smart arse, who while searching for the truth, didn’t mind a niggle or stab at (perceived) blowhards. Or your just taking the piss….
You take the piss solemnly? I’m just a gnu atheist dullard. I can’t do two things at once, so I presume that no one else can either. 🙂
The “Wonderous Mr Wilkins” sounds like a Kenneth Grahame story. Do I get to ride an old car and toot my horn?