Flew, into the Cuckoo’s Nest 3 Nov 2007 Sorry about that pun – it’s been around for a while since Antony Flew, quandam philosopher and “Darwinian”, announced he was converting to a kind of deism. Jon Pieret, who often comments on this blog when he should be writing for his own, covers the facts as far as we can ascertain them. I am deeply sympathetic to Flew here. I too suffer from nominal aphasia. I tell my students that I forget my own kids names, and I only have two. Of different sexes. They laugh, but it’s true… Logic and philosophy Religion
Evolution Explaining religion 3 – Is it adaptive? 31 Oct 2007 To summarise: so far we have three general kinds of explanations of religion. There are sociological explanations in terms of the economic, societal and political conditions under which religions develop. There are psychological explanations in terms of experiences, existential dread, need for control and so forth. And there are sociobiological… Read More
Epistemology The principle of charity, qualia, and philosophy 6 Sep 20116 Sep 2011 I’ve hurt my back, so I aim to rant a little. When I teach critical reasoning just about the first thing I teach is the principle of charity. It has many formulations: This policy calls on us to fit our own propositions (or our own sentences) to the other person’s… Read More
Freedom The place of religion in democratic secular countries 19 Feb 201519 Feb 2015 There is a religion which oppresses women, which is enthusiastically adopted by marginalised groups, which hates democracy and which has declared the modern world to be a heresy they call “Americanism”. This religion, which is run entirely by men, demands of its adherents loyalty to a small group of clerics… Read More