A rather big year 23 Nov 2009 This has been a big year for me. I had two books published, travelled to Lisbon, to Italy, Germany, the UK and the US, gave a slew of talks and talked to a slew of folk. And today I was recorded for a nation-wide show, Ockham’s Razor (probably to be broadcast next year) on species. Oh, and the contract came for a job. As of soon, I will be an Associate Professor at Bond University on the Gold Coast of Queensland (think Miami Beach without the cyclones). This is 2/3rds teaching and 1/3rd research, so I can keep my hand in and write my various next books. But it means that I have to: 1. Arrange to move 2. Find a place to live (in Brisbane; the GC is only an hour’s drive due south) 3. Write two courses straight away 4. Buy a car (for the hour’s drive). 5. Revise and resubmit three papers. 6. Write three book reviews. All before Christmas. The nervous breakdown is scheduled for December 26 to 2 January. Now I’m not complaining, and fame and fortune have arrived at last in a modest but satisfying manner, but I may be a little light on the blogging for a while. On the other hand, every time I’ve said that in the past, the Bloggods have sent me material that I have just had to write about. Hang about and see… Administrative
Administrative Second book cover 9 Jul 200922 Jun 2018 From Peter Lang publishers, due this year (soon, I hope!). Order yours now! Read More
Administrative Cloudy 15 Jul 2008 Not the Simon and Garfunkel song, this: Just seeing if it works. Read More
Administrative Where’s Wilkins? 26 Jun 2007 OK, so while the vandals are playing some weird game on another thread, I suppose I better tell the rest of you what’s happening. 1. I’m applying for a real job, and another postdoc. 2. I have two conference papers to prepare and deliver, and travel to and from (including… Read More
I’m glad for you, man! I remember a time — last year — when you were strapped for cash and jobless! I’d suggested you became a translator, but I was absolutely flabbergasted — flabbergasted, I tell you! — that you didn’t know a foreign language! It’s called culture, man! 😉 Just kidding. Seriously though, congrats on the new job and the books!
We few, we slewish few, we band of those astonished that anyone can get that much done in so short a time, wish you great success.
Congratulations John, well deserved! think Miami Beach without the cyclones Oh, and good luck learning Spanish then…
Well, you speak Australian anyway. Congratulations – even though you have to become a Queenslander again. Getting an academic job in current circumstances is a real achievement.
oh reading this makes me all nervous and panicky (I’m completing my dissertation and being a well – very seasoned grad student, the adminisitration is breathing down my neck). I have the same nervous breakdown scheduled for Dec 1st. Congrats and best of luck gettign everything done.
Congratulations. With success comes more work as you’ve found out :o) So now you are an Australian professor (of philosophy?) you’ll be changing your name to Bruce.
Professor Snowflake… That sounds great! I knew it had to be a better job. Congratulations! again. It has come as a mixed blessing with all that work you have to do. I feel your pain. As part of the tenure process I have to design four courses. And that thing about foreign languages. I remember you mentioning in a recent post that you speak some German.
I speak enough German to know what it is I’m confused about when I don’t know what they’re saying. In Italy, I didn’t even know that.
Congratulations! But is it really feasible to live in Brisbane and work on the Gold Coast? That drive has to be less than pleasant…
Very, very nice. Congratulations! :-))) [Maybe, just maybe, I should start constructing my courses while I’m safely removed from any sensible job opportunity … or maybe I should apply your management principles.]