Everyone should read this 23 Nov 2009 Evert Cilliers at 3 Quarks Daily speaks Truth about Afghanistan and foreign policy. Politics
Australian stuff Bastardry: On protest and on fascism 17 Mar 201417 Mar 2014 I attended the March in March protest against the current government of Australia yesterday. My legs still hurt. I’m sure that demonstrations were not so arduous thirty years ago. I noticed that this was a privative demonstration. It was not about something so much as against something, and the something it was… Read More
Politics People or classes? 10 Oct 2007 It seems that almost nobody can mention Jews without making an inadvertent or deliberate ass of themselves. Most recently, Richard Dawkins put his foot in it in this Guardian article. He said: When you think about how fantastically successful the Jewish lobby has been, though, in fact, they are less… Read More
Censorship Revisionist historian walks free, rightly so 21 Nov 2008 Frederick Toben is an awful man, who denies the plain fact that the Nazis killed six million Jews and between nine and eleven million Jews, Slavs, Romany, homosexuals, Soviets (civilians and POWs), Poles, disabled, and so on. But what he thinks is not a crime, either in Australia, where he… Read More