Wilkins in foreign climes 27 Feb 2008 Well, actually the weather in Tempe, Arizona, seems to be very much like the weather here in Brisbane, but that’s where I’m going. For a couple of weeks. Also in Salt Lake City. So blogging shall be sparse unless I get inspired at the Systematics and Biodiversity workshop, as I surely shall. And then to Utah to the Edges and Boundaries of Biological Objects Workshop, at which I’m not presenting ‘coz I didn’t know I’d be in the States early enough, but I’ll be a gadfly to those there, I warrant. So expect even less blogging than before. I’m even lecturing while travelling (the course is presented electronically) so my mind will be full (which, before any of you say it, doesn’t take much). Administrative
Administrative My grant project 16 Oct 2008 It occurred to me that some readers may be interested in the grant project, so I put the details beneath the fold. I am funded for an Australian Postdoctoral (APD) research fellowship for three years. Read More
Administrative Admin: May be off line for a week 13 Feb 2011 So I am trying to transfer my blog and domain name to a new host, and am about to be without internet for a week, as I move into a new flat. These two facts may interfere with a good outcome. If things go well, you won’t notice. But things… Read More
Administrative Adaptationism for and against 30 Sep 2009 My passing comment on San Marco has triggered a really interesting debate at Larry’s place. Larry thinks I think nothing can be selectively neutral, however. This is wrong. I think that things can be at the same time, selectively neutral (in that there is no real selective difference between an… Read More