What was Darwin’s Origin actually called 29 Jul 201827 Feb 2019 So, I got caught parroting half-remembered factoids, to Down House no less, that the Origin dropped the “On” from the start of the title with the fourth edition. In my defence, I was making use of Darwin Online, the Cambridge University site that collates all of Darwin’s publications and a whole lot more, in their list of editions of the Origin in English. So I got called out, and rightly so. If you’re going to be a pedant, at least be an accurate one. Fortunately the Darwin Online site has images of the the title pages of the various editions, so here they are: 1859 first UK edition: Clearly has the “On”. So too do the second (1860), third (1861), fourth (1866) and fifth (1869). The sixth, however, which was the most widely distributed edition, has dropped the “On”. However, under Asa Gray’s oversight, Appleton of New York published editions as well (1860, 1871), which did not completely follow the British editions: All have the “On”. In 1899, Hurst and Co published a version, and they dropped the “On”. So technically, it should have the “On”… mea culpa. Reading Darwin, Charles Robert, and Morse Peckham. The Origin of Species: A Variorum Text. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959. Evolution History
Evolution New ape fossil 22 Aug 2007 The National Geographic and the news services are touting a new ape fossil found in Ethiopia as “forcing a rethink on human evolution”. As usual, the headlines are hyperbolic. This ape is fragmentary, and so far only teeth and a jaw bone have been found, and the teeth are similar… Read More
Evolution Scientists as historians 11 Sep 200818 Sep 2017 I’m supposed to be marking essays, but the reaction to Thony’s recent guest articles has triggered in me a conditioned reflex: the uses and abuses of history by scientists. Read More
Administrative Get your Evolution Carnival posts in soon! 23 Apr 201223 Apr 2012 There’s only a week left to submit to the next Carnival of Evolution hosted here! Hop to it folks, or I’ll have to link to my own posts, and nobody wants that. Read More