Asia’s empty forests 1 Sep 2008 The Annotated Budak has an absolutely wonderful post on megafauna, hominid impacts, biodiversity and biogeography up. Go read it immediately. Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution Species and systematics
Censorship Feet of clay problem 23 Nov 202223 Nov 2022 What to do with historical bastardry in our heroes? This is republished from my substack. Henceforth such posts – the equivalent of a magazine article or an essay – will appear first on the substack and then on the blog After a distance of time, they will end up… Read More
Interesting. I have a project coming up in south east Asia looking at biodiversity, land use, socio-economic trends, and climate change. To paraphrase old what’s his face “it is the best of worlds, it is the worst of worlds”.