Philosophy Burke on Definition 25 May 2009 I was discussing whether science or religion can be defined, when I was reminded of this: No lines can be laid down for civil or political wisdom. They are incapable of exact definition. But, though no man can draw a stroke between the confines of day and night, yet light… Read More
Administrative Happy Solar Festival 21 Dec 2009 So, I am moved from Sydney to Brisbane, but as yet have no internet at home. I must therefore steal some of my GF’s in order to wish you all a wonderful solstice for tomorrow, and sundry other religious and ethnic festivals that may fall on or about that date…. Read More
Humor Evolution quotes: Arguments 4 May 20125 May 2012 Arguments have no chance against petrified training; they wear it as little as the waves wear a cliff. Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Read More
I have a few mementos of my wrongness to sell, t-shirts, wrist bands, books, etc. I should probably burn them to be proper.