Travel and stuff 30 Jul 20074 Oct 2017 So the ISHPSSB Conference is done, and here I sit in the University of Exeter Library getting some internetting done for the first time in a week. Great conference. I got to meet Scibling John Lynch and his colleagues and drink much beer of various UK kinds. I got to meet Massimo Pigliucci and his colleague Jon Kaplan (I had met Jon earlier). And a host of other names who mean a lot more to me than to you. My talk denying Essentialism ever existed went down as well as a 20 minute presentation of a 300 page argument can, with historian Jon Hodge chatting to me enthusiastically over the rest of the day, while we had a Devonshire Tea (when in Rome…) at our host, John Dupré‘s home. Then more beer and the best Indian meal I’ve ever had (Ganges Restaurant, if you’re in town). Enough name dropping. That’s what conferences are for. A blog that has long been moribund – by Sahotra Sarkar – has been reactivated to deal with the recent election of creationists to the Texas school board. Sahotra has a recent book out on ID, too. Another day spent here in sunny (for the moment) England and then to home, to teach, perchance to dream… Administrative
Administrative A mild apology 29 Nov 2008 I haven’t done much philosophical blogging lately. There are Reasons. I’m preparing to move to Sydney over the next few months (and there may be a period in which I have no laptop too), and trying to catch up on a bunch of projects I have in play and which… Read More
Administrative Tempe AZ 3 Mar 2008 So I’m here, and after a long sleep I got to see some marvellous AZ scenery before the camera died. I’m staying with my mate Malte, who was a costudent of Gareth Nelson with me some years back, Tomorrow the Workshop begins. I must get around to writing my talk…… Read More
Administrative More Arizona fauna! 11 Mar 200818 Sep 2017 John Lynch took me to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum yesterday, and made me walk. Naturally I forgot my camera, so I can’t show you the really cool hummingbirds, or the cougar/puma (it has a split personality) or the bighorn sheep, let alone the amazing diversity of plant life (until I… Read More
Sahotra has a recent book out on ID, too. I read it, liked it (mostly) and noted a number of references to one antipodian philosopher. I thought his explanation of what he called “the central argument” of ID was particularly helpful. I keep meaning to do a review.
I have been lucky enough to visit the Ganges myself, an unforgettable curry, although it did stem my Ale intake for the rest of the night – it was worth it.