Travel Diary 10: DC 27 Oct 2009 I met these guys and got trashed: I circled our next destination in red… From left, my host, Mitch Coffey, me, Mike Ikeda, and Robert Grumbine. Robert’s wife Vicki is taking the shot; and of course she was the sanest one there. Unfortunately, Homeland Security showed not the slightest interest in me, even when I took pix of the Capitol Building. And I thought I was a Dangerous Subversive. The next night, we went to Robert’s and Vicki’s home and played games and I ate them out of interesting refried beans and other delicious dishes. Administrative
Administrative My grant project 16 Oct 2008 It occurred to me that some readers may be interested in the grant project, so I put the details beneath the fold. I am funded for an Australian Postdoctoral (APD) research fellowship for three years. Read More
Administrative Slowing down 12 Jan 2008 I am blogging lightly while I write madly in Real World™ conditions – some deadlines approach, such as grant deadlines, paper deadlines, book review deadlines and editing deadlines. That said, I will pop up for a bit occasionally, but bear with me. Deadlines being what they are, I will either… Read More
Administrative Testing… is this thing on? *tap, tap* 22 Mar 2011 Can you all hear me? Up the back? Just testing to see if the new host is working. We have some unfinished trimmings, like the blogroll, but if you can see this, put a comment below. If you can’t, don’t. Read More
Aha, at the Capitol you were right down the street from my place. Hope you’ve enjoyed DC. The weather was in fine form until the rain showed up.