There will be slight delay 21 Jun 2007 … as I attend to a bunch of administrative, career and professional duties. Please be patient. Your thoughts are important to us, and the next trained monkeyoperator will attend as soon as possible… Administrative
Administrative The leeches are out in force 24 Apr 2008 Have a look at the title bar at the top of this page. If it doesn’t say “Scienceblogs” or “Evolving Thoughts”, then you are reading it via a leech site that does nothing but steal the words I and other carefully craft, like this one. Now in my case while… Read More
Administrative #SBFail 21 Jul 2010 The title is the Twitter hashtag for the ongoing implosion at Scienceblogs. Now several more have left the building, PZ is on strike (and so Twittering up a storm), others are thinking about it, and people are making snide satires at rival networks. My friend Mike Dunford has left, which… Read More
Administrative Marking time… 10 Mar 201221 Jun 2018 It’s been a busy week (and a painful one: I advise my students to avoiding being old if they can and gout is one reason why – right: gout. This past fortnight has been extremely unpleasant). We are in what we can only hope is the final phase of negotiating… Read More
Hobart is Stoffard 2nd. edition, isn’t it? No, 3rd. Ed. in the appendix. As this is Mr Wilkins’s blog we’re playing Australian Rules so Sydney Harbour Bridge and I get a free go for the Intercontinental Transition.
We don’t have that here and I find the rules incomprehensible, so I have to start a local game: Long Beach Aquarium.
Since we’ve had Earl’s Court, and this game is Australian themed, how about Aldwych (the Mecca of beat up VW camper vans).
We don’t have that here and I find the rules incomprehensible, so I have to start a local game: WARNING TO ALL PLAYERS This game has been hijilled (1). Don’t panic; the authorities have been informed and a unit of the SGS (2) will be parachuted into the playing area within the next 24 hours. Until then stay calm and try not to provoke the hijiller into making any moves that could bring the game into disrepute. (1)To hijill: = verb: feminist form of to hijack. (2)SGS: Special Games Service. Elite unit of referees especially trained to deal with incidences of international game terrorism
I guess the hijiller would end up in Guantanamo No, this being a silly game she will be forced to sing Guantanamera!
I was ready to find that SGS (2) was a riff on SG1. And continuing with the Stargate theme, and still not understanding the rules: Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Oh, but wait, if there are no local rules, I can make them up.
Well then you have to go to the Great Barrier Reef, which is a deadend – once there, you are forced to remain there for the rest of the game.
Well then you have to go to the Great Barrier Reef, which is a deadend – once there, you are forced to remain there for the rest of the game. Hey, no making rules up as you go along!
ha ha Robin, you forgot to make a move and that puts you three stations behind. Which lets me put in the double luff: Frankston!
Apparently nobody else understands the local rules except for me, so I continue solo: Hollywood Bowl.