Does anyone want to pay me for this blog? 22 Mar 2013 I will have received a lot of requests to revive the blog, which is very gratifying, but to be venal about it puts no money in my pocket. So if anyone wants a philosophy of science, especially biology and the social aspects of science, blog for their stable, the way Scienceblogs used to operate, so I can generate some income, I am willing to move it. In short, I want to sell out, largely because I like sleeping under cover and eating. Anyone? Administrative
Administrative Outstanding topics 6 Sep 200718 Sep 2017 I have, I must confess, started a number of projects here that I haven’t finished. Teaching is getting the better of me (and no, I’m not going to put my lectures down on cognitive science, as I do them “freeform”,, so I’d have to do a lot of work to… Read More
Administrative Feedback now has to be authenticated 2 Jun 2008 The snivelling little boy, Mats Envall, who thinks that walking into someone’s living room and pissing on the floor is acceptable behaviour, has forced me to make comments require my manual authentication. I am sorry for the rest of you, but we are up to 122 spams from the idiot…. Read More
Administrative Comment snafu 9 Sep 2008 I just checked the spam comments folder, and there, amidst the sea of Envall crap, were some legitimate comments. So I have revived them, and this may explain some discontinuities and duplications in various threads. My apologies to the victims. Read More
Are you willing to dress up in silly costumes and dance and sing? The answer is yes … I’d pay a reasonable amount to continue to have your thoughts (we’re not talking Super Bowl commercial rates, are we?) though, having paid for them, I’d also want the right to quote them extensively for my own purposes. Obviously, not just repost them en masse, but enough to show that a real philosopher agrees with me.
You have this way of actually saying intelligent things that really appeals to me. I sympathize strongly with your inclination to “sell out” and think that’s something you could succeed at. I hope I could afford to subscribe.
Fair is fair. The pleasure of reading what you have to say is worth paying for so I’ll gladly pay for a subscription or a similar arrangement. So what is the plan now?
It has occured to me that this would be a good KickStarter candidate. In any event, please give us a pledging target – and a mechanism to give or escrow Australia – or a commitment that you will proceed regardless of total funds received. The first alternative seeming the more fair alternative.
Several people from FreeThoughtBlogs have moved to Patheos, which does have nonreligious sections, and which pays:
I would pay to subscribe. If you are looking at collecting subscribers as an option if you can’t join a corporate or co-op stable, an alternative to the suggested Kickstarter is Indiegogo, which offers an option of flexible funding where you don’t need to make the full targeted amount in order to get money.
ScienceBlogs has some advertisements: why not go there? Advertising might not bring in much, ask FreeThoughtsBlog. Being part of the National Geographic set up would be good.
The impression I get is that it is rare for earnings from a blog to cover even its direct costs- let alone contribute to the bloggers rent bill. However, if you can’t find a corporate or co-op home, at least try a subscription service. Even if it was an “honour” system outlined in bold caps as a permanent header to your blog – nominating an expected annual subscription, or a pay-per-view/read amount via paypal. Worth a try!
Off-topic, but
Noticed of late few blogs I read are noting decline in readership. Fortunately for me the person who strayed by a year ago from the dragon Kingdom of Bhutan asking the search question “is wrestling real?” seems to visit regularly in the hope I will find an answer. Although by this point they may be as confused about a conclusion to that one as I am.
p.s I would probable find it difficult over time but would be happy to stump up some cash at the moment, yearly subscription. I think with shorter regular payments I would lapse. Financial see saw that are teenage kids. I don’t know if it is possible I would pay hard cash for an e-book of the site Or a series of e-books over time.
I’m just about to rejoin the wonderful world of freelancing – very unwillingly – but on good weeks, I’d certainly stump up.
Hi John, I’ll chip in a few bucks most happily. What are the chances of you joining a blog group like FtB/Patheos etc? You’re stature and writing is easily of a quality and frequency to fit in and more than deserve such a spot. Either way, remind duffers like me of your paypal details and some funds shall come forth. I like tip jars, and I like knowing what blog costs are! 😉 Louis
I am now reduced to an old age pension. – 7% of my weekly income is £10 – it’s a paltry sum but it matches my paltry income. – However a current UK tenner does have a lovely engraving of Darwin on the back. – I’M GOING TO PUT A TENNER IN AN ENVELOPE AND SEND IT TO HIM – now that won’t be too difficult. More than 50 people have responded with horror at the thought of you John closing down this blog. – If every one sends an embarrasingly paltry tenner that would ccover the costs of this blog for a year – of course it would not cover the cost of John writing his priceless posts. Hopefully though I am one of your poorest readers – so if everyone sent 7% of their weekly income – surely there would be a bit, maybe a lot, of surplus over costs – to buy John a few bunches of bananas to sustain him. There is only one drawback. When I clicked on ‘contact’ for a postal adress I only got a peculiar code in greek. Put a pigging address on the blog John and my tenner is on its way. – If nothing else, it will buy you a beer. So come on everybody – have a bit of faith – put your money where your mouth is (in an envelope) and send John a measly 7% (make that 10% for easy calculation) of your weekly income. – He’s undoubtedly worth it. – Just think of the pleasure he will get opening his mail. (And the trouble he will have converting it all in to Australian) IF HE PUTS AN ADDRESS IN HIS CONTACT BAR.
I don’t want any reader to have to pay me. But there’s a tip jar for those who think what I do is worthwhile.
I think letters sent care/of the University of Melbourne AU will get to him, university mailing rooms have a lot of experience dealing with peripatetics.
peripatetics. hmmmm I wrote this note last night. “One of his other noted, ‘eccentricities’ (historical anecdotal accounts of Lord M. are prone to cliche and repetition) was on leaving court one day to find it was raining, he placed his wig (a badge of office) in a sedan and continued his journey home on foot. Reading, lord Monboddo reveals an individual with a very distinct sense of humour which is often read in a number of ways by individuals.” John I will send something over when I can by post in a foot shaped parcel. Useful things blogs I had missed the connection.
Depends upon 1) how you feel about Aristotle 2) how well your knee has healed 3) whether, like Dr Hawkins, you have a second regular academic gig. In the right light, any of the above would shine somewhat proudly.
Just be glad. My son had his foot run over by a taxi last week and we will be funding his lifestyle for the next couple of months. Where I live a can walk through the history and early formation of a thought. Being peripatetic is fun if you like such things.
“how you feel about Aristotle?” I have no memory of him. Perhaps when my son hurt his foot I should have thought of Mary staring at the cross felt her pain and thanked god for being spared. Instead my mind turned to that most Scottish of beasts the orangutang. It is an pleasing creature and makes me laugh.
Translation form philospher language into plumber speak. ‘I’m skint, so it would be nice if those who think what I do is worthwile would send a tip now and again – and for those who don’t do plastic, bung a tip in an envelope and send it to John S wilkins care of The University of Melbourne, Australia.’ Knock and the door shall be opened unto you seek and ye shall find etc. Translated into plumber speak. – ‘If you don’t ask, you don’t get.’ How’s about a short post on the phiosophiscal status of money – or the evolution of pockets? – How did apes do without them for God knows how many millions of years? Was this lack of foresight by the Creator – or is it a clear indicatation that Money is ungodly and chocolate the only thing of worth. Can you see how my brain is turning into rice pudding devoid of the input of your wit and wisdom? – Have pity on us mere mortals. P.s If you reply with even the sightest hint of a suggestion that my brain has alweay been rice pudding – no portrait of Darwin.
Although it will probably never be a big source of income, perhaps you should look into a few microdonation services. One I use is Flattr – I’d certainly add you to my subscription list.
Noted. I’m waiting for the PayPal ‘processing’ of a deposit. Money is withdrawn promptly from the bank but laggard in being deposited to PayPal.
I have done my duty to Wilkins and Australia. I think my Paypal worked in US Dollars which is profoundly insulting for an Englishishman. I shall protest by sending more cash. It’s the least I can do after recovering from a massive bender induced by winning a prize for some work I was doing. I figure if you can’t celebrate successes, rare as they are, with irresponsibility, then you don’t deserve them. This may be because I am some terrible species of bastard.