Couple of popular articles of mine 7 Dec 200718 Sep 2017 Anyone who has access to COSMOS magazine, published in Australia, will be able to find an article of mine on what good philosophers of science are for science. If you have a copy, scan it and send it to me, will you? I haven’t seen it yet. Also, I have submitted a piece to Auckland Museum magazine MQ entitled “Buffon: An evolutionary thinker?”. Kiwis should rush to the stands immediately. I have to say that I value opportunities to write for non-academics (or else, why would I blog?). Suffice it to say that I think that philosophers are to science as ornithologists are to birds. We study, try to understand, and occasionally help with conservation. This started life as a three part series on this blog, although it got substantially edited, of course. [Parts one, two, and three]. And no, Buffon was not exactly an evolutionary thinker (this came out of my PhD). Administrative History
Administrative Icon for Blogging Peer Reviewed research 15 Aug 2007 Dear readers, Dave Munger of Cognitive Daily has suggested that we have a universally available icon to indicate that the blogger is blogging about peer reviewed research, and he has created a discussion blog at BPR3. Please go make suggestions and add to the discussion. Muggins here will implement it… Read More
Book Three book reviews 31 Aug 2009 Andre Pichot’s version of the “Darwin caused Hitler” mythography is critiqued in the THES by Simon Underdown. Rohan Maitzen at The Valve has a haunting review of Daniel Mendelsohn’s The Lost, coincidentally. And Will Thomas has some things to say about Lorraine Gaston and Peter Gallison’s Objectivity at Ether Wave… Read More
Administrative Off to talk religion and evolution 18 Sep 2008 Okay, so in the AM I am off to drizzly Melbourne, my old home town, to address a conference on the implications of the project of naturalising religion, especially in terms of evolution, to an audience that may, or may not be religious. So if you never hear from me… Read More
Mr Wilikins Sir, Even though I never read it (never at home) I do subscribe to Cosmos (as of today actually because of your recomemndation). Where can one find your erudite article? I looked in “Australia’s top 10 young scientists” but couldn’t find you :o)
Mr Wilikins Sir, Even though I never read it (never at home) I do subscribe to Cosmos (as of today actually because of your recomemndation). Where can one find your erudite article? I looked in “Australia’s top 10 young scientists” but couldn’t find you :o)
Mr Wilikins Sir, Even though I never read it (never at home) I do subscribe to Cosmos (as of today actually because of your recomemndation). Where can one find your erudite article? I looked in “Australia’s top 10 young scientists” but couldn’t find you :o)
Mr Wilikins Sir, Even though I never read it (never at home) I do subscribe to Cosmos (as of today actually because of your recomemndation). Where can one find your erudite article? I looked in “Australia’s top 10 young scientists” but couldn’t find you :o)
Mr Wilikins Sir, Even though I never read it (never at home) I do subscribe to Cosmos (as of today actually because of your recomemndation). Where can one find your erudite article? I looked in “Australia’s top 10 young scientists” but couldn’t find you :o)
As normal, you are correct. Oh I hate COSMOS, can’t even download old articles :o( pre-14. Then again, I am an internet luddite (interlude :O)) so that may just be me. Whatever you rit I agree 137%
As normal, you are correct. Oh I hate COSMOS, can’t even download old articles :o( pre-14. Then again, I am an internet luddite (interlude :O)) so that may just be me. Whatever you rit I agree 137%
As normal, you are correct. Oh I hate COSMOS, can’t even download old articles :o( pre-14. Then again, I am an internet luddite (interlude :O)) so that may just be me. Whatever you rit I agree 137%
As normal, you are correct. Oh I hate COSMOS, can’t even download old articles :o( pre-14. Then again, I am an internet luddite (interlude :O)) so that may just be me. Whatever you rit I agree 137%
As normal, you are correct. Oh I hate COSMOS, can’t even download old articles :o( pre-14. Then again, I am an internet luddite (interlude :O)) so that may just be me. Whatever you rit I agree 137%