The Philosophers’ Menu 4 May 2010 The Philosophers’ Menu Presuppositions. Kantelope Assorted carnaps Pareto soup Hart-boyled eggs with a rescher of bacon Major Premises Jugged hare, with milled popper Skinnered peacocke, with nashed paretos Plato’ the Day Humeburger, with gibbard gravy Frankfurts and schauer kraut Bass van frassen [sic] Nagels and lockes Frege legs with russell sprouts Roast pigou, thoreauly dunn Fried (on nozick teflon) scanlons and lukes Just Deserts Julianned annanas Parfiteroles Ice cream cohen—jerry, joshua, or jonathan Candied geaches and pears Strawsonberry short cake Liquiddities Mineral walzer Perryier Wittgenstein of beer McGinn and tonic Copp of tea Brandty [From an unrecorded source, communicated but disavowed by Gerald Dworkin] Epistemology Ethics and Moral Philosophy Humor Metaphysics Philosophy Philosophy
Biology Adaptationism issue of Biology and Philosophy 24 Sep 2009 I don’t have time to read and comment on these now, as I’m gearing up to travel for six weeks around Europe and the US, but those who have access might like to check out the special Adaptationism edition of Biology and Philosophy, edited by Patrick Forber. Read More
Epistemology Disambiguating the Theory-Dependence of Observation thesis (TDOT) 16 Jun 2011 For the past half century it has been largely agreed that one cannot observe without prior theory. This is rarely explicated, however, and there seems to be some ambiguity in the claims made. So I will do a rough taxonomy of the TDOT. When N. R. Hanson introduced the claim… Read More
Philosophy The philosophy of geology 15 Jul 2010 Is there one? Neither a search through the Philosopher’s Index nor Google Scholar found much within the past century. I am crowdsourcing the question. This looks like an interesting, and not badly needed, gap in the philosophy of science. There’s plenty of history of geology, and a few essays by… Read More