Laws and explanation in history 14 Jun 2009 One of the critical pieces on the philosophy of history was published as Laws and Explanation in History in 1957. Now the hist-analytic site, run by Stephen Bayne, has added the entirety of the book online to its growing list of significant philosophical contributions to the philosophy of history. Links to PDFs below the fold. Laws and Explanation in History by William Dray The Covering Law Model The Doctrine of Implicit Law Explaining and Prediction Causal Laws and Causal Analysis The Rationale of Actions Explaining Why and Explaining How Epistemology History Philosophy Science
Epistemology Feeling smug 29 Jul 2009 … because I sent off two papers this week to journals. I’ll feel a lot smugger, of course, if they get accepted. One is on genetic information (yeah, you all know about that one!) and the other about natural kinds in biology, a historical-philosophical piece. We’ll see. Even more smugifying,… Read More
History Worst. Argument. Ever? 1 Dec 2008 The chair of a course on religion, philosophy and ethics at the University of Gloucestershire (being English, they’ll pronounce that “glostersheer”), David Webster, is calling for people to give the worst argument in Britain. Go leave yours. Caveat: They already have the full complement of creationist nuttery, and anyway most… Read More
Epistemology Natural classification and the dynamics of science 6 Aug 201018 Sep 2017 About thirty years ago there was much talk that geologists ought only to observe and not to theorize; and I well remember someone saying that at this rate a man might as well go into a gravel pit and count the pebbles and describe their colours. How odd it is… Read More