New book contract 29 Jul 201930 Oct 2019 Well CRC Press haven’t learned their lesson yet, and have given me, Frank Zachos (Vienna) and Igor Pavlinov (Moscow) a contract for an edited book of science and philosophy dialogue entitled Species and Beyond. Anyone who wants a particular topic to be covered, leave it in the comments. I won’t promise it’ll get covered but it might. Ecology and Biodiversity Epistemology Evolution Genetics Metaphysics Natural Classification Philosophy Science Speciation Speciation Theory Species and systematics Species concept Systematics
Evolution The heat of religion 14 Aug 2008 It’s always a Bad Idea to critique a paper on the basis of summaries, but I just can’t seem to make Proceedings of the Royal Society let me download this article. Randy Thornhill and Corey Fincher have proposed another explanation for religion, based on the correlation between tropics and diseases,… Read More
Evolution The library of the mind 5 Nov 2007 In a famous essay Borges wrote of an infinite library that contained all possible books (and most of it nonsense at that). The mind is not like that. It has only a few books in it. In the philosophy of the cognitive sciences, there are competing views of the nature… Read More
Book Intelligent Design and Religion as a Natural Phenomenon 22 Jun 2010 My next book [I just love the sound of that] has been published. Here’s a flyer. It’s an anthology of papers on the title topics, with an introduction by yours truly… it’s cheaper if you buy it directly from the publisher from here. Many thanks to Neil Levy, series editor… Read More