The new Darwin film 6 Sep 2009 From this review and several other things I have seen of it, The Creation looks to be a pretty sympathetic treatment of Darwin’s life and work. It’s a pity it’s based on a false premise: that Darwin was motivated by the death of his daughter Annie to become irreligious, or that Emma became religious because of it. Darwin’s religion had faded well before his daughter’s death, and he finally abandoned his Christianity well after it, and Emma was always a conservative and orthodox Christian. But Paul Bettany is my choice for playing Darwin as a young man. He’s absolutely perfect. Evolution History Pop culture
Biology New book on climate and human evolution 10 Mar 2010 I hope this works and WordPress doesn’t strip out the HTML code [later note: It did]. This looks like an interesting book, although its evolutionary tree is a bit old fashioned, almost Haeckelian. Read More
Evolution Liveblogging the conference: Piotrowski 14 Mar 2008 Monica Piotrowski (Utah) also is talking about DNA Barcoding. She starts with a child’s coin sorter. Imagine that it’s a bug-sorter, sorting by DNA samples. What does the child now have? She claims Barcoders must have a species concept to measure the success of their practice. They have none, and… Read More
Evolution On the origins of creativity 25 Sep 2010 I’m not a very creative guy. I had an idea back in the 1970s, but I managed not to do anything about it in time for someone else to do something with an almost identical idea. I think I dodged a bullet: once you come up with one great idea,… Read More
Is it coming to Australia, do you know? And is there some way of getting rid of the “Automatically Generated” video trailer for a creationist film on Darwin that emerges just under your post? Maybe there is not, but it is irritating to see rubbish being advertised here.
I haven’t heard, but I would think so. As to the other, I cannot block ads without an outlay. Let me look into it. I don’t see them because I have an ad blocker in my browser. Late note: Okay, I paid the money to block ads for one year. Let me know if they still appear.