The evolution of the nervous system 19 Sep 2009 Nature Reviews Neuroscience has a special issue out on the evolution of the nervous system. Good for them as has access… Evolution
Biology Wilkins on philosophy of science 12 Aug 2014 As part of the Science Week activities that informed the last few posts, I will be giving a brief introduction to philosophy of science as well as talking about the relation between science and religion shortly. The organiser of this event (on 23 August, at the East Melbourne Unitarian Church)… Read More
Evolution Not the end of evolution again! 6 Oct 2008 I get so tired of comments like this: The Grim Reaper is taking a rest, and inherited differences in the ability to withstand cold, starvation or disease no longer power Darwin’s machine. Those who die from such killers do so when they are so old that natural selection has lost… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Barcoding redux 17 Mar 200818 Sep 2017 So, here I am in Phoenix airport, waiting to go back home, and I read T Ryan Gregory’s snark about me and barcoding. Apparently I am to learn only from his blog posts and not from (perish the thought) critics. One should never attend to critics. My crime was, of… Read More
Should be an interesting read. I’ve been reading up quite a bit on CNS evo-devo. It is an intereting case study in how evo-devo has brought evolutionary narratives back into the fore. Few seem to be asking if this is really the best thing evo-devo has to offer.