The Antarctic Grrl 26 Jun 2009 I’m very conflicted about this because I wanted to go to the Antarctic (but not for a month), but GrrlScientist has thrown her fedora into the circus, so I will tell you all to go vote for her to win the “spend a bloggy month in Antarctica” comp. Just so long as you vote for me when a “Send a blogger to Space” comp comes along. Or vote for my friend Wesley Elsberry. Damn! Now I’m conflicted! Administrative
Administrative So, here I am in Arizona, still 9 Mar 2008 Yeah, yeah, OK, I know I’ve been absent except on the comments, but I’m traveling, all right? Everything I have worth saying gets said over beer or whiskey, tonight to Jim Lippard and John Lynch, the latter of whom is my present host. I must thank Malte Ebach for his… Read More
Administrative Hi. I’m John, and I Tweet 22 Sep 2009 Yeah, I know, I’m a follower, not a leader these days*. You note that I have given into the Twitterpated Tsunami, in the side bar. My username is john_s_wilkins, because I’m really, really unimaginative. I still don’t know what it’s all about, but I will learn. * I knew that… Read More
Administrative Month first line meme 6 Dec 200818 Sep 2017 Bora made me do it… first line of the first post of each month the year. It doesn’t quite read like a dadaist poem. January: OK, so the next door party finished about 1.30, but the family disputes finished about 5 am, so instead of thinking, I’m going to let… Read More
It doesn’t bode well for the expidition if they illustrate blogyourwaytoantarctica with a pic of a polar bear! You can’t get more lost than that.
moochas smoochas, john! i agree, eddie, but i checked their site more carefully and they apparently specialize in trips to the arctic and the antarctic, so that’s what the polar bear in their banner is about.