The Antarctic Grrl 26 Jun 2009 I’m very conflicted about this because I wanted to go to the Antarctic (but not for a month), but GrrlScientist has thrown her fedora into the circus, so I will tell you all to go vote for her to win the “spend a bloggy month in Antarctica” comp. Just so long as you vote for me when a “Send a blogger to Space” comp comes along. Or vote for my friend Wesley Elsberry. Damn! Now I’m conflicted! Administrative
Administrative Slowing down 12 Jan 2008 I am blogging lightly while I write madly in Real World™ conditions – some deadlines approach, such as grant deadlines, paper deadlines, book review deadlines and editing deadlines. That said, I will pop up for a bit occasionally, but bear with me. Deadlines being what they are, I will either… Read More
Administrative A nice experience 12 Oct 2007 My mate Ian Musgrave, Astroblogger and expert in several fields of science, and his lovely family, are up visiting rellies in Queensland from the arid wasteland that is Adelaide. We all went on a bushwalk and while we were eating apples at the top of the cliff, we saw a… Read More
Administrative New category for books 18 Nov 200718 Sep 2017 You may have spotted that I have created a new category called, expressively, “Book”. This is primarily for when I review books, which I am going to do more, but also when a book raises issues I want to comment on, or just mock. I’ve gone back and added this… Read More
It doesn’t bode well for the expidition if they illustrate blogyourwaytoantarctica with a pic of a polar bear! You can’t get more lost than that.
moochas smoochas, john! i agree, eddie, but i checked their site more carefully and they apparently specialize in trips to the arctic and the antarctic, so that’s what the polar bear in their banner is about.