Teh LOLCat Bible 4 Oct 2007 LOLCats are one of those things you either hate or hate really really a lot. But the idea of translating the entire Bible into LOLCatese? Priceless. Someone has way too much spare time (and will we see battles fought over the Auterised Bibel translation versus the VulgarCat version? I hope so), but at least they are making us all chuckle. Note for the translators – sometimes it’s Invisible Man, and other times it’s Jerry. Make sure you get the usages right. [Hattip to Jason, who also has too much spare time, obviously] Humor Religion
Epistemology Religion and truth revisited 7 Jul 2009 Chris Schoen, he of the u n d e r v e r s e, has a piece up on Coyne’s challenge to the religious as to why Scientology’s absurd etiology of Xenu and souls in volcanoes is any less stupid than the etiologies of the Catholic, Jewish and Islamic… Read More
Humor If the UN calls a world philosophy day and doesn’t tell anyone… 20 Nov 2008 … has it still happened? Anyway, the BBC, bless ’em, has had philosopher David Bain pose four philosophical questions to mark the epistemologically problematic day: 1. Should we kill healthy people for their organs? 2. Are you the same person who started reading this article? 3. Is that really a… Read More
Administrative Envall troll has his own blog 17 Feb 2009 Once upon a time, I made mention, simply a mention, of a paper by one Matts Envall, which I said I would later comment on. I did so because a friend of mine, Malte Ebach, told me about him and the paper. I have yet to appropriately thank Malte. My… Read More
“Gen 4:2, An’ again she bare his brothr abel. an’ abel wuz keepr ov teh moo cows, but cain wuz tillr ov teh ground cuz he was part mexican.” LOL indeed
The idea sounded, I dunno, tiresome? Any exaggerated style wears out quickly, in my experience. But I looked anyway. If this example is typical, well, Wilkins is right again: # Den Jesus caem from Gallalee, to has baptizm from John # But John was all “Ur doin it rong, j00 needz to baptize me” # And Jesus answered sayin “STFU and baptize me n00b” and John did. # Wen he was baptized he gtfo of teh water and, ZOMG, teh hevens opened up and teh Spirit of Invisible Man caem down liek a duv and landeded on him # And, ZOMFGWTF, a voice from heven sayed “Hai guise, dis my son, and I tink he teh leet”
wtf if king james cud rite bibel in 1611 y cant lolcats rite bibel 2????????//?!!1!!!!! cul8r gotz 2 go halpz rite it byeeeeeee