Cleesing the God Gene 14 Sep 2008 If I weren’t such a reductionist mechanist, I’d probably find this very very funny. And what Cleese does to things deserves its own verb. [youtube=] Evolution Humor
Censorship Feet of clay problem 23 Nov 202223 Nov 2022 What to do with historical bastardry in our heroes? This is republished from my substack. Henceforth such posts – the equivalent of a magazine article or an essay – will appear first on the substack and then on the blog After a distance of time, they will end up… Read More
Evolution The evolution of morality 21 Jun 2008 A conference is being held in Sydney soon about whether God is necessary for morality. I find that an almost incomprehensible question. Of course humans are moral without gods to back up their moral systems. They can’t help it. It’s what humans do. We are social apes that follow rules…. Read More
Evolution Sociobiology 2: Theoretical foundations 18 Nov 2007 Wilson and Wilson begin by reviewing the reasons why sociobiology of the 1970s was rejected. They focus on the arguments against group selection. Read More
Don’t worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome. We don’t know how it works, though.
Don’t worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome. We don’t know how it works, though.
Don’t worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome. We don’t know how it works, though.
Don’t worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome. We don’t know how it works, though.
Don’t worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome. We don’t know how it works, though.
to cleesify:verb: to hold forth humorously on a subject in a pompous, pseudo-intellectual and slightly silly manner cleesification:noun: the result of cleesifying cleesified:adjective: cleesifly:adverb: origin: derived from the surname of legendary English humorist, actor, author and silly person John Cleese.
to cleesify:verb: to hold forth humorously on a subject in a pompous, pseudo-intellectual and slightly silly manner cleesification:noun: the result of cleesifying cleesified:adjective: cleesifly:adverb: origin: derived from the surname of legendary English humorist, actor, author and silly person John Cleese.
Luckily, I have the “Even though I’m a reductionist mechanist I still find jokes making fun of reductionist mechanists funny” gene. 😀
Luckily, I have the “Even though I’m a reductionist mechanist I still find jokes making fun of reductionist mechanists funny” gene. 😀
Having recently met Rob Buckman, I have a John Cleese number of 2. I think that’s worth boasting about (I mean, it’s way better than having George W. Bush number of 2, which I also have).
Having recently met Rob Buckman, I have a John Cleese number of 2. I think that’s worth boasting about (I mean, it’s way better than having George W. Bush number of 2, which I also have).
Having recently met Rob Buckman, I have a John Cleese number of 2. I think that’s worth boasting about (I mean, it’s way better than having George W. Bush number of 2, which I also have).
Having recently met Rob Buckman, I have a John Cleese number of 2. I think that’s worth boasting about (I mean, it’s way better than having George W. Bush number of 2, which I also have).