Sick… again 4 Sep 2008 Once again I have manflu, the most despicable disease known to man (and to women, who also suffer indirectly from it). So blogging is patchy. Also, I have to do some teaching stuff, which involves thinking about what the essays say. I am writing, slowly, a piece about the recent paper on ratite origins first author of which is my friend and occasional sparring partner John Harshman. As this means I have to learn stuff first, it’s taking a while, but I want it to be a good one. Be patient, and in the meantime read this. Administrative Evolution Species and systematics
Administrative Your favourite Australian science blogger 22 Jun 2010 National Science Week 2010 is an Australian government initiative, and they’re holding a “nominate your favourite Australian Science Blogger” comp at The Big Blog Theory. Now I would never tell anyone who to nominate, but get over there are mention someone. I don’t know, maybe Ian Musgrave’s Astroblog, or Chris… Read More
Administrative Off to see the world 24 Sep 2009 … and make my fortune. Err, not really. Actually, I’m going to have my first actual holiday, with the going away and relaxing and drinks and sightseeing, in eight years. Then I’m off to Göttingen, Oxford, New York and Washington, a conference at the University of Notre Dame, and then… Read More
Ethics and Moral Philosophy Researchers teach gorilla existential angst 31 Mar 2010 I love The Onion. They even get the species right. Read More
Look, it’s just true that when a man gets a virus it is the end of the world, OK? But in case you aren’t clear on this, see here.
I’m suffering in solitude (well, that is except for my son, who I’m getting to go to the shop and so on).
The “manflu” website assumes that the reader is already familiar with the term, as it provides no definition that I can find. As I have never heard anyone make the bizzare claim that the symptoms and severity of flu are somehow dependent on gender, it remains a mystery to me.
The “manflu” website assumes that the reader is already familiar with the term, as it provides no definition that I can find. As I have never heard anyone make the bizzare claim that the symptoms and severity of flu are somehow dependent on gender, it remains a mystery to me.
John, sorry to hear youre sick again,get well soon mate !! And I profusely apologize for ever mentioning manflu lol….
John, sorry to hear youre sick again,get well soon mate !! And I profusely apologize for ever mentioning manflu lol….
John, sorry to hear youre sick again,get well soon mate !! And I profusely apologize for ever mentioning manflu lol….
John, sorry to hear youre sick again,get well soon mate !! And I profusely apologize for ever mentioning manflu lol….
It is well we fall ill, lest we start thinking physical immortality is within our graps. What?… You mean?… We’re doomed…
It is well we fall ill, lest we start thinking physical immortality is within our graps. What?… You mean?… We’re doomed…
It is well we fall ill, lest we start thinking physical immortality is within our graps. What?… You mean?… We’re doomed…
Thansk for visiting the site, hope you’re better now, unfortunately with all the extra attention the sites recieved some sad individual has decided to hack it and basically completely knackered the site, and as its just a tongue in cheek thing I did as a joke in some spare time, I’ve lost the lot, hopefully will have something up there again soon. Regards DocManflu
Thansk for visiting the site, hope you’re better now, unfortunately with all the extra attention the sites recieved some sad individual has decided to hack it and basically completely knackered the site, and as its just a tongue in cheek thing I did as a joke in some spare time, I’ve lost the lot, hopefully will have something up there again soon. Regards DocManflu