Work intervenes 5 Jul 2009 I am going to a couple of conferences over the next fortnight. They are in Brisbane, so I don’t have to cross any water. One is the annual Australian HPS conference, and the other is the biennial international HPS of biology conference. They will both be what passes for fun in history and philosophy of biology/science, and I’m giving talks at both. Which I have to prepare. This week. So if I’m a little sparse, just remember that I’m recharging the batteries so I can blog even more pretentiously. Administrative
Administrative Newsgroup worries 28 Jul 2008 Those who are getting very agitated, missing out on their Usenet fix of the group, which has been dormant for the past few days, should know that Steps Are Being Taken. Stop emailing me. I don’t know any more than this… go take some other stimulant. Alcohol, chocolate, anything!… Read More
Administrative Off in the wilds of… Melbourne 3 Jul 2008 Hi folks. It’s conference time again, and of course we have organised to have the Australasian Association of Philosophy/Australasian Association for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (AAP/AAHPSSS) conferences in the coldest place on the mainland – my home town Melbourne, at the depths of winter. At least… Read More
Administrative 106 books of pretension meme 26 Apr 2008 Like Lynch, here is “the top 106 books most often marked as “unread” by LibraryThing’s users.” So what I’ve read is in italics, what I never finished is struck through: Read More
Are any of the talks going to be posted somewhere on the net? Because Soraya de Chadaverian’s talk on “The world as a laboratory: biology and the bomb” looks really interesting. As does Greg Frost-Arnold’s one on Pessimistic Induction.
Thanks John. I’ll probably just ask my HAPS lecturer next week about Chadaverian’s talk, if I can’t trawl anything up via google scholar.