Schadenfreude for AiG 7 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 Schadenfreude , n. Pleasure found in the misfortunes of Answers in Genesis, who employed a pornography actor to play Adam. Well, at least it makes sense – didn’t Adam and Eve fall because they had sex? I’m sure some Baptist told me that once… Evolution Humor Religion
Accommodationism Accommodating Science: What is the problem? 20 Feb 201423 Feb 2014 [As I write the first draft of my accommodationism book, I will post chapters here under the Category “Accommodationism”. Here is the latest – which comes before Undefining Religion] The religion-versus-science debate took a special turn in the West because of the existence not only of doctrinal religion but of… Read More
Administrative A logical inference, or, on how to submit Carnival of Evolution posts 21 Jan 201221 Jan 2012 I could put this into standard logical form, or even argument map it, but I’m too lazy. However, since I’ll be hosting one of these soon, I should post this the way Bjørn Østman sent it to me: Carnival of Evolution only works if people submit posts. A person can… Read More
Humor Heather Graham – it’s true what they say about blondes (in Hollywood, anyway) 10 Jun 2009 My next ambition is to teach myself to levitate. So far I’ve only succeeded in my dreams. I practice transcendental meditation and there is a phase where you’re meant to lift off the ground. It hasn’t happened yet. I’ll manage it one day. In fact, I’m aiming beyond levitation. I… Read More
Is it too much to hope that Mr Linden has done some “gay for pay” gigs so that there may be some irony in the “Adam and Steve” jibe?
I have yet to hear is how he is not being true to his own teachings. He says the dinosaurs were vegetarians because there was no death before the fall. It was ok for Pebbles and Bam Bam (oops I mean Adam and Eves offspring) to walk around the with T-rex, because they were all vegan. Yet, it was not until after the fall that the children were born. After the evil apple didn’t the dinosaurs start eating meat? Then you get the point of the first sacrifice to God. OK, so these vegetarians are raising sheep, and cutting off the fattened sections to offer up a sacrifice to God. Then what? They head off to have a nice spring mix with a vinaigrette dressing? It is one thing to have hocus pocus science. But to tell a story that is not biblical, well shame shame shame. He needs to re-read the 9th commandment. Thou shall not bear false witness.
Also, if actions such as ‘eating meat’ and ‘wearing clothes’ are results of the fall, surely God would be pleased if we stopped doing these things? Of course, the reply would be that the moral knowledge obtained from Eve eating from the tree prohibits us from doing these things, but since creationists are so determined to keep us in a profound state of intellectual and moral ingnorance, we may lose such responsibility and thus can walk around town naked as the day that we were born on our saturdays without being officially cautioned. Not that this ever happens to me…
After the evil apple didn’t the dinosaurs start eating meat? No, it was after the global flood that animals “started eating meat”. Supposedly, that happens almost 2,000 years after Adam and Eve’s creation.
From what I can remember of my early religious education, I never actually got a satisfactory explanation of why it was so wrong to know the difference between good and evil. The other thing is that, today, isn’t the lack of any sense of good and evil seen as a symptom of psychopathic behaviour? Does that mean Adam and Eve were psychopaths?
From what I can remember of my early religious education, I never actually got a satisfactory explanation of why it was so wrong to know the difference between good and evil. The other thing is that, today, isn’t the lack of any sense of good and evil seen as a symptom of psychopathic behaviour? Does that mean Adam and Eve were psychopaths?
Re the original post, where does the bible say Adam and Eve “fell” because they had sex? I thought Adam “knew” his wife right off the bat!